Page 22 of Vampire Runner

He grips Rhys tighter, almost shaking him. Humor replaces my worry at the vampire’s antics.

“Seriously, though. I am the only unmated vampire in this house. It’s disgusting. They’re all so in love! I can’t escape the sickly stench of lust and heart eyes.”

Rhys tugs free of Malachi, whose eyes go wide with dawning horror. “Oh, fuck. Not you too, Rhys. Tell me you don’t have a mate.”

Rhys barks a laugh and shakes his head, which makes Malachi wilt in relief. “No, not mate for me. Too busy touring and sampling women across the country.”

Malachi slaps his palms together as if in prayer, his head tilted back as he looks to the ceiling. “Thank you; someone who still gets his dick wet.”

I cough, covering my mouth with a fist as I try to hide my laugh even though my cheeks flame. They are all so much more . . . explicit than I’m used to.

A rumble of a growl comes from beside me and Malachi rolls his eyes dramatically as he looks at Kasar. He cocks a brow, egging the Lion of the Barrow on. Malachi is on his own with this one, I think as I step away with a wry grin.

“If my dick is dry, it’s only because it’s being milked daily.”

Oh, goddesses. I slap my hands over my ears, my face flaming even brighter. Something I thought impossible. Thankfully, I’m saved.

“I’m sure you aren’t talking about our sex life,” Deidre says as she strides into the room, a tablet in her hand and Lan behind her with his own. She gives Rhys a once-over before quickly dismissing him. As if she hadn’t just reprimanded her mate, Deidre walks up to Kasar and boldly grabs the messy hair he’d tied back and yanks his head down for a kiss. A kiss that is entirely too inappropriate in public.

“Malachi is simply envious he isn’t having as much sex as the rest of us,” Lan drawls, making Malachi sputter and try to claim he’s having plenty of sex.

My blood has been replaced by sheer mortification at this point and I’m ready to melt into the floor. I do -not- remember these males being so open in conversation. If Eris knew this was happening, I’m sure she’d be rolling on the floor, cackling at me.

Ashe appears at my side, his hand on my lower back as he looks down at me with concern.


Without thought, I bury my face in his chest, thankfully hiding against my mate. His arms come up around me, and along with his warm, campfire scent, I can smell grease and gasoline. He’d been working with the cars as Ambrose had asked earlier.

More voices join the din and, somehow, my mortification grows at my display of nerves and clearly being a woman new to this time. Ashe cups the back of my head, coaxing me to look up at him.

There’s some amusement in his face and I scowl pointedly.

“I believe you all owe me,” Josephine announces and the room goes silent. We all turn to look at her, even Ambrose and Eloise, who I hadn’t realized joined us. Josephine looks smug, like the cat who got the cream and the canary. She inclines her head towards us before casting her gaze around the room. “Did I not say they’d come back together within the day?”

My eyes go wide and my throat dries enough to choke me as her meaning hits me. Even Ashe stiffens before chuckling lightly and moving me until I’m tucked against his side.

Everyone—Malachi, Lan, Kasar, Ambrose—and even the women, Eloise, Deidre, and Wren nod, different expressions across the group.

“You couldn’t have held out one more day,” Deidre grumbles accusingly at my mate as she slaps a fifty into Josephine’s outstretched palm.

It takes a moment, but then a shocked expression takes over my face—one that probably makes me look like a squeezed frog. “You all placed wagers on Ashe and me?!” My voice was a shriek by the end, making Ashe wince. I glared around the room and no one had the grace to look chastised. Only Rhys holds up his hands as if surrendering.

“I didn’t know about this,” he quickly defends.

Kasar rolls his eyes. “Which is the only reason why you didn’t have money in the pool.”

Rhys drops his hands and his grin tells me Kasar is absolutely right.

I ball my fists, irritation replacing humiliation. I want to stomp my foot but I refuse to give in to such a childish urge.

“To be fair, the topic of you and Ashe’s reunion has come up sometimes,” Eloise says from where she’s beside an amused-looking Ambrose. I’ll admit they make an adorable pair, not that I’d ever say that to the vampire king’s face. He is tall and regal, wearing a tailored black suit that oozes wealth, and dominates the room as a quiet promise of death and power. Eloise only comes up to his shoulder because of the mess of black hair bundled on top of her head, and wears what I recognize as leggings and, if I’m not mistaken, one of Ambrose’s button-down shirts. She’s not thin, but thick and soft with curves—the perfect opposite of Ambrose’s hard cut lines. With her, he’s more expressive than I’ve ever seen. He’s looking down at her like she’s a sweet morsel he wants to devour. It’s enough to make my stomach twist, the need for my own vampire to hunt me down growing.

“And with how Eris liked to taunt Ashe, some of us thought he’d hold out to be sure it wasn’t just another joke on him,” Malachi added, in a way that made it clear he was one of those.

“Oh, leave the poor mates alone,” Josephine tuts even as she tucks the folded bills discreetly into a pocket. She looks at me, giving me an understanding yet beseeching look. “Unlike the rest of these fools, I remember how devoted you two have always been to one another. I knew that your love would pull you together, no matter the reasons why either of you tried to resist.”

Before we can discuss anything else, Ambrose clears his throat, taking control of the room. “I believe we have much to discuss and organize. I suggest we move to the dining room.”