They’re a few car lengths away and I bite my tongue to hold back a whimper. They’re slowing down.
There’s at least a dozen of them, but only four actually stop, two in front of my car, two in back, too close for me to escape forward or throw my car in reverse.
None of them are wearing helmets, and each one is wearing a black leather vest. My eyes lock on one of the ones parked in front of me as he kicks his stand out. The patch on his vest has three stylized dog heads in a chain circle. The words Knights of Hades arches across the top and something in Latin is at the bottom. If he’s wearing a shirt, I can’t tell since his sculpted bronze arms are on full display along with a tapestry of tattoos I find myself itching to study. As he swings his leg off the bike and he stands to his full height, my eyes widen at how big he is.
I’d thought Riccardo was one of the biggest, toughest-looking guys I’ve ever met, but as this dude turns towards me, Riccardo shrinks to almost puny. The man in front of me is at least six and a half feet tall, if not closer to seven, and he’s got the shoulders of a linebacker. His vest is half opened, revealing a chiseled chest bare of anything except more tattoos. His jeans are faded and hug the tree trunks he has for thighs before being haphazardly tucked into half-laced black boots.
When I drag my eyes up to his face, his little smirk tells me I’ve been caught gawking. But what a face, the not-quite-dead romantic in me sighs. High cheekbones are topped by dark eyes and severe, pitch-black brows. His nose has been broken at least once, and his lips are full enough to promise sin. There’s a strange scar on his right temple that disappears into his hair, which is as black as his brows and cut short. He’s too rough to be called handsome, but that makes him all the more intriguing.
He radiates strength and untamed spirit, like a wild stallion that could never be saddle broken.
As he walks the short distance to my driver’s door, I catch the shoulder harness I’d missed. It’s a stark reminder that this man could be about to execute me. I grip the 9mm in my hand tighter, my nerves returning. If I shoot him, there’s no way I’m making it out alive. Not with this many bikers surrounding me.
The other guy in front gets off his bike, but he leans against it, watching me from behind dark aviators. He’s wearing a matching vest, but this one’s totally open. Around his neck hangs a length of chrome chain. I swallow.
Dangerously Handsome stops at my window and I’m regretting not rolling up my window even halfway. He shoves those big hands of his into his front pockets and cocks his head. “What seems to be the problem?” His voice is smooth, but there’s a rasp at the edge of each word.
I can’t repress the shiver that his voice sends through me, coalescing right between my legs. This is not the time to be turned on, especially by my potential assassin. I swallow and brave meeting his eyes, reminding myself that I have a gun.
Putting on a smile, I answer. “Engine went out, but I’ve got a tow on the way.”
When he raises an eyebrow, I know he doesn’t buy the lie.
“That so?” he asks and looks over at the man accessorized with chains with a smirk. Then he looks back at me. “You might be waiting awhile on that truck. Chainz here is off today, and he’s the only tow for a hundred miles.”
He leans down and grips the car door with both hands. “Why don’t we try again, darlin’?”
My nerves disappear and now I’m pissed. Enzo used to call me that. Darlin’. I whip up the gun, pointing it at him a little awkwardly.
Without hesitation, Chainz draws his gun from his spot in front of the car, aiming the barrel at my head. I spy in the mirror that the two men at the back of the car have done the same.
Chainz takes a step forward.
“Don’t,” I say loud enough to be heard but don’t take my eyes off Dangerously Handsome, who holds up a hand as a signal to his men. They stop. Dangerously Handsome looks amused more than concerned and it irritates me further. When he meets my eyes again, I speak. “Why don’t you guys just head on out of here and forget you saw me. That way I don’t have to mess up that pretty face of yours.”
His full lips slowly morph into a grin, and I’m struck at how it transforms his face from harsh to beautiful.
“No one’s ever accused me of being pretty before,” he says and nods at the gun. “Plus, you won’t be messing anything up.”
The ass.
I narrow my eyes. I’ve never shot anyone but it doesn’t mean I won’t. “Don’t try me.”
He moves fast, ridiculously fast, and in a single moment he’s wrapped his much larger hand around mine and the gun. He angles the barrel away from him, then points a finger at a small lever on the side of the gun. “I can try all I want, since you’ve got the safety on.”
He doesn’t let go of me or the gun. Let’s try this again.” He extends his other hand in greeting. “Name’s Blaze. You’re having car issues, and I spend my time off working at Hades’ Garage twelve miles up from here.”
“Oh.” I tug my hand—gun included—away from his grip and he lets me go. I do my best to ignore the drag of his rough skin over mine. I keep the gun in my lap, but I’m starting to think these guys aren’t working for Santi Pastori. “Sorry. I’m not the most trusting. I’m—” I scramble for a name, settling on my middle, as I briefly shake his hand—“Claire. The engine light came on about fifty miles ago then the smoke started. I was deciding what to do when you guys rolled up.”
Blaze inclines his head towards the hood. “Mind if I take a look?”
Sheepishly, I nod and pop the hood again.
When he turns, Blaze waves at the ones behind me. Without a word, they’re back on their bikes, engines revving before they’re headed down the road. The distance between them and the rest of the group burns away into nothing faster than I’d imagined possible.
Blaze and Chainz disappear from sight as Blaze raises my hood, and I contemplate getting out. This could just be a way to lure me into a false sense of safety, but I’ve watched too many crime shows to fall for that. Besides, my gut tells me that Blaze is just as dangerous as he looks, even if he’s offering help right now.