Page 9 of Blaze

The sun is touching the mountain ridge behind the clubhouse, painting the desert landscape vibrant shades of oranges and pinks. Sunsets are one of my favorite things about this place. Back where we’re from, colors are dull—like the life has been drained from them. It’s part of the justification the angels use to call us demons and call our territories hellscapes. They suck the power, the magic and vitality, from our lands and pump it into their own.

The clubhouse is a sprawling adobe-style structure some wealthy settler had built during the gold rush. Now it houses most of the Knights of Hades, with the rest of the members bunking in the more recent metal building in the back. Black banners hang on some of the walls, the image of Cerberus’s head in a circle of chains stamped in stark white and preserved from the elements with magic.

Already the party is in full swing, with the sound of engines revving and hard rock reverberating through the desert to create a symphony of violence and freedom.

I lean against one of the adobe walls, beer in hand and a cigarette hanging from my lips, watching the chaos in the main courtyard. Some chick years ago put string lights up between the walls, crisscrossing them overhead. They light the whole area below with a soft, warm glow. A few tables have managed to survive the years, though their position is nomadic thanks to the shit that these parties get up to. Furniture around here never seems to stay in the same place if there’s more than five Knights of Hades close. It looks like someone, probably a chick gunning to become the old lady of one of us, tried to dress up the place with some flowers. I shake my head as Heathen shoves himself up to sit on the top of a table, never noticing the flowers or how he knocks them over.

He’s too busy urging the pretty little thing in too short of a skirt up onto his knee. She’s been around for a while, even though she can’t be older than twenty-two. Her blonde hair is messy, and she’s wearing a ton of makeup, along with a bra that pushes her tits right up into Heathen’s face. Thinking on it, I’m pretty sure her name is Nancy, or Jenelle, something like that. When she throws her head back, laughing like a hyena, I wince. Yeah, I remember her. Ended up fucking her mouth just to shut her up one night.

Scowling, I breathe in a long drag. Thinking about fucking a chick’s mouth should have me excited for the sure to come fun of tonight’s party. I haven’t fucked anything but my hand since we headed out to California for the latest security job. Yet my cock is as limp as a fucking week-old piece of cilantro.

Other riders fill the courtyard, almost all of them wearing their cuts proudly. No fights have broken out yet, but it’s still early. Maybe that’s what I need. A good brawl to get the blood going. Plus, there’s always a woman or two happy to help the winner celebrate.

“You’re in a mood.”

My gaze flicks over to Reaper, who’s now leaning against the wall beside me. Motherfucker is quiet as death when he wants to be. He’s not looking at me and is instead watching the party get going as he lazily brings a beer to his lips.

The demon is handsome in his human form, even I can see it. He’s got the rugged looks mortal chicks are drawn too, and I’ve heard more than one say he’s got bedroom eyes and lips meant to eat pussy. I hold back a snort and take a drink of beer around the cigarette. He’d have to give himself permission to relax if he wanted to get laid. Any chick willing to brave his fuck-off aura finds out real fast how little he cares about getting his dick wet.

“Thinking about a fight later,” I answer after swallowing, scanning the crowd. Heathen’s already paired up with whatever-her-name-is and he gets real bitchy if he thinks he might get cockblocked. Bones and Chainz are out back near the garage, and Brute is nowhere to be seen, the fucker. I can drag a probie into the ring, let them try to prove themselves in a fight before I remind them what a real Knight of Hades looks like.

Reaper grunts and we don’t bother trying to hold a conversation. It’s what I like and respect about our president. He doesn’t do bullshit, and his eyes miss nothing. He might look all brawn, but his mind is sharp and wicked clever. It’s all thanks to him that our escape from the celestial realm was successful. He’d been our captain and saw the way the wars with the angelic bastards were going.

Chainz, Bones, Brute, Heathen, Cinder and I had all fought under Reaper for a century or more. He’d earned our loyalty more than the fuckers who owned the army. One of them being my own so-called father. So when he found the chance to leave, we trusted him. It’d been bloody, violent, and a few times we didn’t think we’d make it. But we did, thanks to him taking the greatest risk of stealing the Dark Helm. Once we were here on Earth, he kept leading us, forming the Knights of Hades and building us a new home in Devil’s Haven.

“The woman’s car is registered to a Michael Donaldson in New York,” Reaper says after a few minutes. “Stubs’ done some searches, and there’s no one connected to him by the name of Claire.”

“She’s got secrets,” I confirm and drop the lit cigarette to the ground, twisting it into the dust with my boot. “Stolen?”

Reaper shakes his head. “No police reports. Donaldson had some deep debts a while back, though, to an Italian family. Given he’s still walking, I think he struck a deal.”

Shit. Humans and their mafias. I eye my president. “Think she’s connected to it?”

Reaper finally looks at me, his eyes the black void of death. “Something went down, and it happened soon after Donaldson would have dropped that car off. The entire area is like a pissed-off rattlesnake nest, and there’s been chatter on the dark web. Stubs’s still combing through it, trying to get an idea of it. But if she’s the one who pissed off that nest of vipers, I want her and that car out of my town. Clear?”

“Crystal,” I answer. I’m about to say more, but Chainz finally shows his face in the courtyard. He’s got his signature chain around his neck but his leather cut is nowhere to be seen. He sets his sight on us, his cloudy gaze hidden behind his large aviators, and as he makes his way to us, he snags a chick under each arm. The brunettes are more than happy to tag along, both of them wearing dresses that barely keep anything covered along with stripper heels.

Not many people travel through Devil’s Haven, but we’ve got a reputation for our parties, and girls like these two often drive in for a night or two looking for a taste.

“Prez, Blaze,” Chainz grunts out his greetings with a sly smirk. “Bones is working on the helo we confiscated from the Jackals back in Cali. He wants to know what you think we should do with it.”

Reaper pushes off the wall with a nod and drops his beer off on a table as he passes by. The Jackals were the group targeting an entire block of supernaturals and their families who’d been trying to blend in with humans. The assholes had some belief of never hiding our natures and the inferiority of humans. We got hired by the neighborhood after they pooled their funds. It wasn’t enough to hire us, but Reaper agreed so long as we could take what we wanted from the Jackals afterwards. We’d have done it anyways, but at least this way no one tried to stand between us and our spoils of war. Bones was fucking giddy at the idea of having a helicopter on hand.

“Come on, ya pissing me off,” Chainz tells me. He’s frowning, but when isn’t he? He drops his hands to each of the chick’s asses, grabbing them tight and making them shriek with excitement. “Let me introduce you to my new friends.” He looks down at the one on his right, dressed in red. More specifically, he looks at her big tits barely staying in the dress.

“I’m Yasmine,” she says, fluttering her eyelashes at me before giggling and running her long, acrylic nails over Chainz’s abs. “This is my twin, Esme.”

“Twins,” Chainz repeats with a grin before turning his grin to Esme’s equally impressive cleavage that’s propped up by her lime green halter top. “Why don’t you cheer up my friend, sweet cheeks?”

Esme gives me a look that’s full of promise and lets go of Chainz to sidle up to me, pressing up against me. Her heels bring her closer to reaching my shoulder, and she has no hesitation in wrapping her arms around me to squeeze my ass while grinding her hips against me.

“I’m the funner twin,” she says with a wink.

She’s the exact type of fuck I go for. Willing and eager to let me get dirty and use her, so long as she gets to claim she fucked a Knight of Hades later. Hell, she’s got the look in her eye that tells me I could spin us around and fuck her right here in front of everyone and she’d be screaming for me.

And my cock doesn’t give a fuck.

Screw that. It’d better get with the program.