Page 53 of Vampire Savage

When he sees me, the dark-haired, dark-skinned man beelines for me, tugging me to the side so everyone else can pass.

“How bad?” I ask, my words sharp as I study the people flowing towards their desks or the elevators.

“Bad,” my assistant confirms. He hands me a leather portfolio. “The gallery was bad enough, but now security is reporting issues at manufacturing sites.”

My heart leaps. Landon didn’t tell me about that. “Our projects?” If the Nightshades are tampering and delaying my hydro pistons, Lan will have hell to pay. Genuine relief washes through me when he shakes his head.

“It seems to be targeted to the lines under Miles’ purview,” Raul says, his lips twitching like he’s trying not to smile. “Miles is on-site. Ran out of here this morning with his tail between his legs.” My assistant eyes me, the smirk appearing in his eyes alone. I blush, unable to stop it. It’s like he can see my shirt sticking to my breasts or the cum on my thighs. “You’re in later than usual. Late night?”

“Me?” I laugh him off and wave my hand with the engagement ring in front of him. “I’m an engaged woman, Mr. Davis. I don’t know what you’re implying.”

Raul’s face pinches at the engagement ring and I pat his shoulder. “I know what I’m doing,” I tell him and he nods. He offers to take my bag, and after I retrieve my phone, I let him. “I’ll see you downstairs when I can. If the wedding planner calls, please arrange a meeting for later this week. A shortmeeting. I’ll get Oberon settled and then I’ll be downstairs. I want to check on our outreach progress for the electricity program.”

Raul leaves me and I run my hand down my shirt, straightening it as I prepare to face Oberon for the first time since he made it clear I would marry Miles regardless of my own desires. Striding towards the open office door, I go over my goals for the meeting just as I would if I were walking into a business meeting with potential investors. I can’t look at him as my father any longer. He can be nothing more than an adversary that is in between me and what I really want.

My freedom. My own life.

I don’t bother knocking as I enter his austere office, ignoring the beautiful panoramic views of Newgate and the thin line of Oldgate on the horizon beyond the wide river. I flip open the portfolio Raul passed off, silently praising him for the meticulous notes he took. I lock down my expression as I see how many lines have been disrupted at the manufacturing warehouse across the city that Miles is in charge of.

“Fucking finally,” Oberon spits out as he turns towards me. I stop a few feet from his desk, cocking my head to the side as I snap the portfolio closed and tuck it under my arm.

I thought seeing him would turn me back into the little girl I’ve always felt like around him, ready and eager to do anything he wanted to feel the love and approval he once showered me with. Now... all I see is an older man looking like he’s thrown a tantrum and is about to throw another one because he’s not getting his way.

I’d always seen my father as this man of power, dominating every room he walks into. People respected him, listened to him, wanted to do whatever he said so that they’d earn his notice. He flaunted his power and his wealth, lording his accomplishments over the rest of the world. Studying him now, I see past the veneer of billions. Instead of power, I see a... a man.

A man with dark hair I know he has dyed, wrinkles at his eyes and curving around his mouth. His jaw is softer than I realized, the sharp edge having disappeared somewhere over the years. His eyes are baggy and dark, and his usually neat hair is a mess like he’s been running his hands through it. He’s abandoned his suit jacket, which hangs askew on a chair, and his royal blue shirt is rumpled and half-tucked.

I ignore his scathing remark, shocked at how easy I’m finding it to detach. “You’re a mess, Father. When was the last time you slept?”

Oberon glares at me and I don’t flinch or look away. His graying eyebrows narrow, deepening the wrinkles on his forehead. “How can I sleep when someone is fucking with my empire and no one seems to care except for me? You’ve done nothing to stop these break-ins at the gallery.”

I refuse to take the bait. “Each time I’ve attempted to secure the premises, you’ve refused to allow me control.”

He freezes where he sits, his glare turning ice cold. “Are you suggesting that I’m to blame?”

“I’m suggesting you let me do my job.”

He lets out a disgruntled noise and shoves his hand through his hair. I wait, knowing if I’m patient enough he will come to me. I don’t plead and cajole in board meetings or at charity galas and I won’t now.

At last, he lets out a rough blow of frustration, waving at me to begin. This is it. Lan is counting on me to convince my father than the only acceptable security for the gallery is by hiring the Nightshades. According to Lan, most of the Nightshade businesses are legit despite the control they have over the crime in the Barrows. Ambrose sits above the city, controlling everything from the drugs and weapons on the streets to ensuring schools have the funding they need for children to access a proper education. The Nightshades run a true empire, the likes of which Oberon could never have because he refuses to trust those around him.

Ambrose doesn’t run the Barrows by himself, he hasn’t created the empire he has without help. He’s so successful because he knows the strength in a team. In a family.

“Over the week, the gallery has been targeted by multiple supernatural individuals,” I begin, reciting the facts as dispassionately as I can. “From the reports, it seems that whoever is targeting you is doing so with the intent to disrupt the gallery’s opening event. Nothing has been stolen, and beyond the first incident, no artifact has been specifically targeted. The security personnel were all human and unable to offer the specialized skills necessary to counter supernatural creatures.”

I pause, waiting for Oberon to add anything, but he still sits in his chair, resting his jaw on his thumb and knuckles as he glares out of the window towards Oldgate.

“I have researched multiple security contractors and I believe I’ve found a company with the skills and experience we need to protect the Benoit assets. Additionally, because of the contractor’s reputed connections, I believe once the word spreads as to whom we’ve hired, the harassment will stop.”

That gets his attention, and he faces me, propping his elbows on his desk and laces his fingers together. “Tell me.” His voice is hard and I don’t let my nerves show. He’ll have objections, but I have to counter them. Even if I don’t want Lan to kill my father, I want Oberon stopped. Which means I need to get the Nightshades into the galleria for the opening in a way that won’t make Oberon suspicious.

“Nocturna Solutions.”

He studies me for a long moment, my heart climbing into my throat. “Vampires? The ones connected to the crime lord who claims to be king?” He shakes his head sharply, cutting his hand through the air. “No. Absolutely not. How do we know that they aren’t the ones behind the break-ins?”

“Because if they were, they would have succeeded,” I counter, then make a show of hesitating. I let my eyes soften a bit, my shoulders dropping slightly. “I know the Nightshade vampires have an... unsavory reputation, but Nocturna Solutions comes highly recommended regardless. Councilman Michael Garner uses them for both his personal and professional protection, as does the Newgate Times.”

Oberon makes a noise of consideration and I press on.