Page 33 of Vampire Savage

“You do that,” I tell him, making my voice super saccharine. “Make sure to take your lips off his cock so he can understand you first.”

Miles recoils at my crude words and storms from the office, slamming my door hard enough to bounce open again. I straighten, seething through clenched teeth as I struggle to calm my breathing. Turning from my desk, I face the large window looking out towards Newgate and press a hand to my forehead. I can’t believe I said that.

“Uh… Wren?”

I look over my shoulder. My assistant, Raul, is peeking his head through the door.

“Is everything okay?” he asks when he’s got my attention, and I let out the sigh I’ve been holding in since he let me know Lacey had arrived. No, everything is decidedly not okay. Why is that? I can blame my father all I want, but ultimately it’s my fault. I’m the one who has let Oberon dictate so much of my life. I shake my head and turn back to my desk, hurrying to collect my things. Then I start laughing, unable to stop it.

When I look up again, handbag slung over my shoulder, and slide off the engagement ring, Raul is grinning. He congratulated me when the engagement was first announced, but he was also the only one who expressed confusion. He knew I wasn’t seeing anyone, especially not Miles, but he also knows how my father is.

“It’s going to be,” I announce, and stride towards him. He falls back out of the doorway as I leave the office and close the door behind me. “Reschedule the rest of my day. Let Simon know to meet me in the garage. There’s something I need to talk to my father about, immediately.”

He falls in step with me to the elevator bay, a damn cheerful expression on his face and I can’t rebuke him for the life of me. Not when I’m grinning the same exact way.

“Can I go out on a limb and say that one of those meetings I don’t need to reschedule is with the wedding planner?”

The elevator door slides open, a couple of bored-looking people already on it, and I step in, turning on my heel. Meeting his eyes, I answer with a large grin. “Nope.” The P pops unbecomingly but I don’t care, and Raul gives me two thumbs-up as the doors slide closed. I pull out my phone, shooting a text to Niamh telling her of my plans.

I’m not so naive to think that one night with Landon has changed me so much to make me finally tired of trying to please my father, but it certainly helped. Since I woke up, even though I was alone, I’ve felt fully in my skin. As if confessing my deepest desires to someone who then accepted them without hesitation or judgment even though I didn’t fully understand them myself has let me begin to shed the need to please my father. For my entire life, it always felt like it was just him and me. That I needed him and he needed me.

And right now? As I walk out of the elevator and into the parking garage towards the town car where Simon waits, I don’t feel like I need him.

“Good afternoon, Wren,” Simon greets with a smile as he opens the door for me and the smile I give him is brilliant.

“It is one, isn’t it?” I ask, sliding into the seat and buckling myself in while he closes the door behind me. My phone goes off, and I slide it out, grinning at Niamh’s emoji-filled response. When Simon returns to his seat, I confirm that I need to go to my father’s penthouse—it being one of the days he works from home. Usually that means he has a new relic being delivered that he wishes to inspect personally, and no one else will dare interrupt him at home. Not even Miles, I think with a savage grin.

Miles can threaten me with my overly domineering father all he wants, but I’m done being the perfect little daughter for Oberon.

Halfway to the high-rise my father lives in, my phone vibrates again. Lust courses through me at Landon’s name on the lock screen and I surreptitiously look at Simon, whose focus is on the road ahead of us. It’s not as if he could see whatever Landon’s message is anyways, seeing as his back is to me, but there’s something exciting about holding my phone closer to my chest as I unlock it.

My cheeks become pure fire even as I squirm in the seat.

It’s a picture message, more specifically of Lan’s lap. He’s sitting in his own office chair, wearing black slacks, and enough of his torso is showing that I can see he’s wearing a white shirt under a black vest, but that’s not the only reason why my mouth is going dry even as my nipples turn hard as marble in my lace bra. His legs are casually spread, but rather than disguise, his pose highlights the massive bulge in his pants, and yet... even that isn’t what has my stomach doing somersaults.

It’s my thong draped between two of his fingers; the one he stole after getting me off at the restaurant.

How’s my baby girl doing today?

Is it possible to orgasm from a text message alone? Because I swear I’m on the verge of coming. I can hear him saying that in my ear, and it makes me want to purr and rub up against him.

Glancing out of the window to gauge how close we are to my father’s building, I bite my lower lip as my thumbs hover over the keyboard while I consider what to reply. I’m wearing a high-waisted pencil skirt today, I can’t send him the type of photo I really want to.

Eying a focused Simon again, I can manage something if I’m quick. I ruck my skirt up to the top of my thighs and spread my legs as far as the constricting fabric lets me. I pull up the camera, and pose my fingers next to the bruise barely visible from this angle. Clicking the picture, I right my skirt. I attach it to a message and hit send before I doubt myself, both impressed and embarrassed at my audacity.

Missing her Daddy’s cock.

I’ve never texted anyone like this, and it’s crazy how turned on this is making me.

It sends while Simon pulls into the building’s parking garage and turns towards the elevator in the center of the complex. We’ve done this enough times to know the routine. He drops me off and pulls into one of the Benoit reserved spaces, where he will wait until I am either ready to leave or let him know that he is free to go until I need a ride later. We pay him well enough to be on call twenty-four-seven, and he’s assured me I’m an enjoyable client to work for.

I wave him away as he makes to get out of the car, letting myself out. He rolls down the window and I grip my bag with one hand and my phone in the other as I tilt down lower to his level.

“I’m hoping it won’t take too long,” I tell him, then lift a single shoulder. “But he’s not going to like what I have to say, so I’ll try to give you a heads-up if it’s looking to be a battle.”

Simon, with sympathetic understanding in his eyes, reaches out and pats my arm affectionately. “I’ll be here. When you’re done, maybe we’ll go to that pub Kell’s again. Your friend has good taste.”

I toss my head back with laughter, the sound echoing through the concrete parking area and nod. “Yeah, if it goes bad enough, a burger and beer might just be in order. I’ll let you know.”