Landon eases me through it, hot pride and approval in his eyes, making my channel squeeze and clutch his fingers as they slow their maddening strokes. My ears ring in the quiet of the hall, the only other sounds are my breathing and the wet sounds of his hand over my folds.
“Such a good little bird,” he murmurs as he slips his fingers from me, and my chest flushes. I’m panting, breathing like I’ve just ran a marathon, and rather than exhaustion, I’m buzzing with energy, already eager for more explosive pleasure. He raises the hand he used between us, his fingers coated in my arousal. My cheeks burn as he smells his hand, humming with the appreciation of a connoisseur. When he rubs my lower lip with his middle and ring finger, my eyes widen.
“Open.” Landon’s voice is a dichotomy of authority and warmth, and I’m unable to disobey. The moment my lips part, he’s pressing his fingers into my mouth, his eyes desperate and hungry. Without prompting, I suck and lick his fingers clean, not minding the musky tang of my slick so long as it means I get to wrap my tongue around his long fingers, half-wishing they were his cock instead. His fingers fill my mouth, bordering on uncomfortable. There’s absolutely no reason why I should be letting this vampire, this stranger, do this to me, especially in such a public place.
Caught in his attention, though, I’ve never experienced this feeling of freedom. Later, I’ll scold myself for this inexplicable display of trust.
Lan blinks, long and slowly, before his eyes dart to the side. He removes his fingers and I’m strangely bereft at the loss. Mind still electrified, I watch in a daze as he crouches before me, his fingers nimbly pulling my pink lace thong down to my ankles.
He taps one ankle in silent command, and I raise my foot, then the other, as he slips off the scrap of a garment. Then he scoops up my clutch where it’d slid after I dropped it and rises, holding it out to me. I take it, only now realizing how my hand shakes. When I grasp it with both hands, Lan rights the skirt of my dress before stepping back, a moment before a woman dressed in all black and wearing a waist apron turns the corner.
Righting myself from the wall, Lan’s hands have slipped into his pockets and he’s wearing an arrogant smirk.
“Excuse me, this area is for employees only,” she says, her expression cautious. I don’t blame her. Most patrons of Alder have more money than they know what to do with, and while she has to do her job, she knows the consequences of offending us could mean losing her job. Lan turns towards her, his eyes glinting with charm as I’m still trying to catch my breath.
“Apologies.” His voice oozes contrition. “She needed a moment to compose herself. We were just returning to the dining room.”
The woman has no chance against Landon’s charm and blushes at his sly cock of the head and sheepish grin. I’m struggling to keep my jaw from dropping as the man who gave me the best orgasm of my life moments ago now looks like an innocent little boy who wouldn’t dream of breaking any rules. He looks at me and offers his arm.
“Let’s head back and not delay this young woman anymore,” he said.
I slip my arm through his, hand landing on his bicep which I squeeze in admonishment. Like him, though, I keep a pleasant smile on my face. Being caught in a hallway by a staff member isn’t something that should send my pulse racing. If she’d arrived even a minute earlier, though. Giving no sign of the cartwheels my stomach is currently performing, I direct my polite society smile to both of them.
“Thank you,” I say. “I’m feeling much better now.”
Lan escorts me, and when we are near the woman, she steps aside and he pauses. He slips his wallet out and takes out a crisp hundred-dollar bill and extends it to the woman. Her eyes shoot up to her hairline, but she accepts the money.
“For your discretion,” Lan explains. His expression is still charming, but his eyes are sharper and there’s a clear edge to his words.
Her blush disappears, her cheeks paling two shades lighter. She clearly understands his meaning. “Of course,” she answers and he lets go of the money. He pays her no more attention as he prompts me forward. As we approach the dining area, the din of a busy restaurant replaces the silence of the hall. My thighs are slick and I stop abruptly. Lan sends me a questioning look as I yank my arm away.
Darting my gaze around to ensure no one is close, I lean in. “You took my underwear,” I whisper harshly.
The corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk and my heart turns into a hummingbird. The look in Lan’s eyes both scares and excites me.
“Think of them as collateral,” he says, not bothering to keep his voice low. “If you want them returned, you’ll need to schedule a second interview with me. Unless, of course, I failed to meet your expectations earlier.”
I gape at him; clearly, between the two mojitos on an empty stomach and then an illicit and mind-shattering orgasm, my PhD capable brain has melted. I can’t even manage to sputter, and worse, Landon seems to know that. His smile turns arrogant and he freaking winks at me before walking away, disappearing around the doorway into the bar.
Irritation slams through me, and my mind is perfectly clear now that I can’t shout at him. The audacity of that man. It’s as if the moment he’s out of sight, I’m myself again and can string more than two sentences together.
“There you are.”
My blood freezes as my father’s familiar baritone tinged with disapproval draws my gaze further down the hall. His expression is neutral, but there’s a storm in his eyes as he strides towards me, Miles a step behind to his side.
I smile and force every muscle to relax as I walk towards the men with my chin up but shoulders soft. It won’t do me any good to reveal any of the chaos swirling within me, stirred up by a vampire of all creatures.
“You are early,” he states as we close the distance. “I expected you to be at the house so we could settle this business between you and Miles.”
My heart drops through the floor, and I look past my father to Miles. Right. He’s supposed to propose to me.
I’m not wearing any panties.
And I just had the best orgasm of my life less than five minutes ago.
My smile is forced, but if either man notices, they don’t seem to care. My father steps to the side and gestures towards Miles, clearly indicating we are to get on with it.