Page 20 of Dad Bod Demon

“I’m not sure that’s something to be proud of,” I reply, burrowing back into his arms, still too hungry for him to go without touching him for long. “Ignorance isn’t always an excuse.”

Mammon sighs, letting me crawl over his chest as he rolls onto his back. “You have to stop beating yourself up, Pen. You can’t treat yourself like this. I won’t have it.”

I nestle into him, my face in the crook of his neck. “Maybe one day I’ll believe you, but I wish I could tell my mom I’m sorry,” I mumble, trailing my hand through his thick ebony hair and stroking his horns.

“Did she ever apologize for putting you in that situation? You were a child, Penelope. Please stop beating yourself up.”

I close my eyes, letting his words and calming touch soothe me into sleep. He's right. And tomorrow, after he’s done making his deals, I'll see sunlight again, real sunlight. It won't make the world entirely better, but it will be a good start.

When I wake up, something feels off. I pat the bed next to me and find Mammon is not there. I sit up and look around, panicking for a moment until I find a note on his pillow.


I'm getting the day over with so I can take you to The Above a little earlier than planned. You deserve it after being so patient and supportive.


I smile, wondering how I’ve gotten so lucky with this weird arrangement.

My father made a heinous deal and treated me in an unacceptable way. He hurt everyone in his life who could love him for fortune and power, but I'm beginning to think I got the better deal. I got Mammon.

At first, I was so scared and heartsick. But Mammon treats me better than I could have imagined. He makes my time in The Below bearable. And he gives me all the pleasure I could want. Who knew this sheltered princess would have such dark desires in the bedroom?

My body heats at the thought, and my hand slips to my core. I’m about to dare to touch myself at the thought of my sexy husband when I hear something.

I stop and listen. What could it be?

I’m not supposed to leave the house, but as I pay closer attention, I recognize Mammon’s voice. He’s calling to me.

I leap to my feet and dash downstairs, wondering if something’s happened. I know he and Lucifer have had a strained relationship lately, and I’m partially to blame. Not that I don’t want to give that awful boss of his a piece of my mind, though. It figures Lucifer would be a slave driver.

Seeing Mammon so uptight about whatever Lucifer threatened has been worrying me. Something Mammon refused to tell me.

I head to the front door, pressing my ear to it to be certain of what I heard.

“Penelope, my queen.”

Yes, that has to be him. I open the door and peek out, trying to locate the source of his voice. I see no one.

“Mammon?” I call, taking a few tentative steps outside.

The moment I do, a smoky smell assails my nose, and Lucifer appears in front of me, his teeth bared in a satisfied grin. He looks different from earlier, looking painfully handsome in his angelic form. I know it's an illusion, but I can't help admiring his ethereal beauty. He still stinks, though.

“I’m afraid it’s only me,” he says, scooping me up as I choke on his sulfuric fumes. I’ll at least give him credit for being delicate with his claws.

“I should have known it was a trick! Put me down!” I screech as my surroundings blur. A sharp tug on my stomach tells me he's transporting me elsewhere just as another estate materializes—a midnight-black castle with grounds sprawling as far as the eye can see. It expands into the void and screams rent the air every few moments.

“As you wish, human,” Lucifer says, practically dropping me on my ass.

“What are you doing? What’s this all about?” I hiss, standing and brushing myself off. “You know Mammon will be furious at you for this.”

Lucifer waves a dismissive hand. “You can’t be that naïve. I'm Mammon's master. I'm the King of Hell."

I stand my ground, appalled at the turn of events. Usually, I would cower, but he’s made me mad. This could ruin our plans to go to The Above. “And you need him as much as he needs you. So, as far as I can tell, you’re on a more even footing than you realize.”

“You are quite the specimen… Pauline, is it?”

He switches to his incorporeal form and dances around me. I don’t know if I prefer him solid or this way. I could at least punch him and believe it might hurt if he were solid.