Page 27 of Dad Bod Demon

Mammon frowns, drawing out the tension. "I wouldn't underestimate him. I've seen how quickly he can amass an army."

"An army would be difficult to stop unless…" I bite my lip and shake my head. "No, that would never work."

"What would never work?" Lucifer demands, his attention piqued.

I wave my hand dismissively. "It's a silly idea. I mean, Rapha is a vampire, not a demon like Mammon."

"Not a…" Lucifer's eyes light up, and he claps his hands. "Oh, my, what a delicious thought. Are you suggesting I have a vampire reaping souls for me, Portia?"

I laugh. "I told you it was a silly idea."

"Yes, it would be difficult to make a vampire a demon of greed,” Mammon says as if it doesn't matter one way or the other. “I’m not sure anyone could do it.”

"I am the Lord of Darkness," Lucifer snarls, tossing out another of his monikers. "I can do whatever the fuck I want!" He taps his chin thoughtfully with a sharp talon. "And I suppose it would kill two birds with one stone."

I watch the expressions chase across Lucifer's face, my heart pounding. He's intrigued by the proposition, a wicked smile playing on his lips. If Rapha becomes the demon of greed, Mammon will be free of his responsibilities and have the chance to live a different life.

“A vampire turned demon," Lucifer ruminates. "It would certainly be an interesting twist.” His gaze sharpens suspiciously on Mammon. “But why should I grant a request that will benefit you and your bride?”

Mammon’s eyes gleam with determination as he looks directly at Lucifer. “Because Rapha possesses an insatiable hunger for power, just as I once did. If you make him the demon of greed, he'll revel in the power the position affords while he reaps souls for you.”

“And you wouldn’t miss this place or your job?” Lucifer is clearly confused as to why anyone would choose anything other than an existence in Hell.

“Will I retain my powers and my wealth?” Mammon asks, glancing at me.

I squeeze my husband’s hand reassuringly, but a knot of tension lodges in my throat as we wait for Lucifer's reply.

“I'll go one better and give you a soul to go with your power and wealth if you deliver Rapha willing and ready to reap me fresh souls to torture," Lucifer says as though this whole idea is his alone.

Pride blooms in my stomach. He came here to threaten my husband, but I've turned that around on him entirely.

And then his words sink in. We have to deliver Rapha willing and ready to reap for Lucifer. Crap. I was hoping Lucifer would take care of that part with his devilish powers.

“All I care about is if I’m able to protect my wife,” Mammon says, turning to look at me. “I don’t care about the rest of it.”

My heart melts.

The devil looks bemused now as if suddenly realizing he's been played. He chuckles and nods. “I see what you’ve done now, Paige. I should've played this differently, shouldn’t I?”

“Yes, you forgot that I wasn’t raised to be greedy but to stand by my husband's side.” I smile at Mammon. “And while I may not entirely agree with how I was raised, I will always do what's best for my husband and me.”

“You’re a clever woman, I’ll credit you for that.” Lucifer sighs and leans his elbows on the table. “Tell me, should I have stopped your father from making that bargain all those years ago?”

My eyes widen, and I suck in a breath. “You mean, you could have?”

“Of course. I could have tempted him with something else or not allowed him to meet with Mammon. Did I mess up then? Or was it when I told him that someone else would barter your purity if he didn’t act quickly?” Lucifer looks as though he genuinely wants to know.

“I don’t know, Lucifer. All I know is that it turned out to be a much better bargain than I expected. But the real question now is”—I turn to my husband—"what is your decision, Mammon?” My gaze is curious, but deep down, I know there can only be one answer.

The one that will set us both free.

“I wish you would let me hide you somewhere with my powers and come back for you when it’s all done.”

Mammon paces back and forth, his nerves getting the better of him while I remain calm, knowing he can do this.

We can do this.

“I can help you, Mammon,” I tell him. “Plus, wherever you go, I go. This was my idea.”