I was shaking as I climbed on top of her.  “I love you,” I told her.

I didn’t undress either of us, just took my dick out of my pants and shoved her panties to the side.

I f**ked her rough.  She wasn’t even ready, but I didn’t stop.  I was too upset and forgetting myself.  I was too big of a man to forget my strength.  I may well have bruised her, but she didn’t complain.

“I love you too,” she said softly, after I’d emptied myself inside of her.  She hadn’t gotten off.  I could tell by her calm tone that she hadn’t even come close.  “But you keep telling me that’s not enough.”

I moved off her, shutting myself in the bathroom.  My emotions were too raw to deal with her just then.

I took a bath, feeling wretched.

She joined me after a time, stripping down and climbing in to straddle me.  She washed my hair, and I shut my eyes, still hoping to find some way to stop her.

“You won’t do more than kiss him, will you?” I whispered.

“I’ll give him an honest try, Dair.  If he kisses me, and I want to do more, I will.  I’m going to let it run its course, see if there’s more to this age thing than I’d realized.”

I shoved her off me, getting out of the bath.  I didn’t trust myself to be in the same room with her just then.

I didn’t realize she was leaving until she walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed.

I shook my head.  “No,” I told her.

I couldn’t let her leave me like this.

“I think it’s best if I sleep somewhere else tonight.  Tomorrow, too, probably.”

I flinched.  “Why are you punishing me like this?”

She just shook her head and walked out.

I tried to follow, to stop her, but even when I pinned her to the front door and kissed her, she only turned her face away.

“Come back here after the date.  And be safe.  Please.”

She kissed my cheek and left without a word.

It was one of the worst nights of sleep of my life.

I worked out hard the next day, in Frankie’s extensive home gym, went swimming, and took the dogs for three walks.  I was trying to staunch the flow of awful anxiety inside of me with physical activity, and I couldn’t have said if any of it helped.

I didn’t know what to do that evening.  I couldn’t sleep, had no idea when I’d see her again, when I’d know just what she did on her date.  I knew I’d lose it if she did more than kiss that guy.  Just the kiss felt like more than I could handle.

I felt relief to the point of weakness, elation to the point of pain, when the doorbell rang around midnight.

I answered it shirtless, because who else could it be?

She met my eyes squarely as she walked past me, wearing a skimpy pink dress that showed off her spectacular body to perfection.

“You wore that for him?”

She sighed.

“Tell me,” I growled at her.

“Yes, I wore this for him.  It was a date.  You dressed quite nicely for your date.”

“How far did you . . . ?”

“Only a kiss.  A short kiss, though he did shove his tongue down my throat.  He was a terrible kisser.”

“Did you . . . hit if off, other than the terrible kiss?”

She began to walk towards the kitchen, her body swaying in red stilettos.  She toed them off between one room and the next, then lifted her dress over her head, dropping it on the floor.

I followed like a moth to a flame.  I was that deep under her spell.

She was fully nude by the time she made it to the kitchen.  She perched on the counter, parting her legs.  “Of course not, Dair.  I’m in love with you.  It was a doomed experiment from the start, but now you’ll know that I speak with authority when I tell you that your age theory is garbage.”

I moaned, not from my throat but from my chest, my heart.  “Never do that to me again.”

I moved between her legs.

She shoved my boxers down, gripping me.

I was throbbing, burning for her.  “Quit fighting against this, Dair, and start fighting for it.  That’s all I ask.  Actually, I insist.  Do you understand?”

I nodded, grabbing her tits with both hands, bending down and sucking at them until she shook and moaned.

I knelt down and ate her out, her hands clutched in my hair.  I didn’t stop when she came, my tongue on her clit, two fingers shoved deep inside of her.

I brought her over again.  And again.

“God, you’re amazing,” she moaned.

As far as sops to my bruised ego went, that was helpful.

“Fuck me, baby.  Come on.”

I straightened, moving close.  I sank into her slowly, leaning back to watch my c**k disappear inside of her, watched her cunt suck in every slow inch.

“You want this to be all yours, baby?” she asked me as I started to move hard inside of her.

“Yes, yes, you’re all mine.”

“You need to start acting like it.  Don’t be a passive partner.  This relationship is not something that’s happening to you.  We are the drivers here.  You’re pretending that you just can’t resist me, so you’re letting it happen.  I need more from you.”

I didn’t know how she could stay so coherent when I was losing my mind.  I grunted an affirmative and f**ked her senseless.