Page 96 of Forbidden Game

He pulls back and drops a kiss on my nose. It’s something I’ve noticed he does a bunch.

I tilt my head in the direction of the paper bag. “What’s that?”

Parker grins, and it fills me with a ray of light. A girl could get addicted to a smile like that. One that is basically a power-up against any bad mood.

“I got you a treat.” He grips my wrist and pulls me into the kitchen.

The bag crinkles, and Parker lifts out a heavenly chocolate muffin. But it’s not just any muffin, it’s my favorite muffin in the whole world. A vegan double-choc chunk muffin from Terrestrial Coffee.

He hands it to me, and I let out a happy gasp when I feel that it is still warm.

I hop up onto my barstool and take a bite, groaning as the chocolatey taste melts on my tongue. The little chocolate chunks are all gooey, and I kick my feet with pleasure.

Parker opens my fridge and pulls out a glass jar filled with green liquid. He unscrews the cap and slides it across the marble.

“Don’t forget your celery juice.”

“You’re the best,” I mumble between bites.

Parker cups a hand around his ear and cocks his head. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that, please?”

I roll my eyes and take a loud sip of the juice. It’s not as bitter as I expected; there are notes of lemon and ginger to break up the natural tang.

Parker slides onto the bar stool next to me and places a hand on my leg while he uses the other to dig a croissant out of the bag. Almond, by the look of it.

We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes before a horrible realization creeps into my brain.

Parker must feel the tension that washes over me because he gives my thigh a squeeze.

“What’s wrong?”

“Work!” I hop off the stool and run into my bedroom to find my phone.

Oh God. It’s been, like, two days.

How much have I missed?

Did the guys stay on schedule? Did they do anything stupid?

Is everything still set for Parker’s next tournament?

Crap, we have to leave for that tomorrow.

My thoughts continue to spiral as I frantically search. Not only is my phone missing, but so are my tablet and laptop.

Strong hands grip my shoulders, and Parker pulls me to his chest, running his hands down my arms in a soothing motion.

“Hey, stop.”

I whip my head up to look at him. “Stop? But—”

“But nothing.” He guides me over to the couch and forces me to sit down. He brings the last of my juice over and places it in my hands. “I talked with the guys. You’re fine, Syd.”

I clutch the glass, focusing my nervous energy on it.

“What do you mean?”

Parker sits on the couch next to me and tugs my legs across his lap. He begins massaging my feet, and all my thoughts get jumbled because, damn, that feels good.