I let go and suck my arm back under the covers so I can clutch it to my chest. Embarrassment threatens to send a flush over my body, but I push it away and just give him a nod.
He smiles and leaves the room. I count the seconds, listening for the telltale click of the door shutting and his returning footsteps. Part of me is worried he will leave because what good have I done?
He told me he liked me, and since then all I’ve done is make out with him on the beach and use his body as my own personal humping device before kicking him out of the room when Aleks showed up.
Parker appears in the frame of my door, and my heart stutters as he comes to crouch at the side of my bed.
“What do you need, Sydney?”
It’s a simple question on the surface, but it has more layers than an onion. It swims in his eyes, and I know that, no matter what I say, he’ll give me a smile because that’s Parker. He’s been so patient with me.
I have my answer, but my throat closes and the nerves choke me.
No regrets.
The words ring out and give me that split second of confidence I need.
Her eyes shine with such brutal honesty that I forget how to breathe.
“You have me, Syd. I’m not going anywhere.” It’s the truth.
“No.” She shakes her head and pushes up to lean on her elbow, turning on her side to face me. “No. Parker, that’s not, I—” Her words get trapped as a sheen of wetness coats the bottom of her eyes. “I want to try this for real. Us.”
“For real?”
“God.” She groans in frustration and falls back against the sheets, raking her hands down her face.
It’s been a whirlwind twenty-four hours, and frankly, I’m knackered. Other than the two hours on the couch just now, I haven’t slept since Tuesday night. My blood, breath, and soul are Sydney currently. She’s been my every thought since the second I walked into this apartment and found her burning up a storm in her bed.
She was a tangle of limbs, breathing heavily, her brows pulled in pain as she tossed in the sheets. The sheer panic I felt when I tried to wake her up and barely got a response is something that took ten years off my life. I was about to burn the whole world down just to get a spark from her.
She asked me to stay, but I was never going to leave.
After everything that’s happened, I’m half tempted to drag her up to our apartment and make her live there until I know she is one hundred percent again. The thought of letting her out of my sight is unfathomable.
She wants me and I want her.
The way she kisses me already told me that. So, I’m a little lost as to what has her so frustrated.
Syd sits back up pushes herself to her knees. The silky nightdress rises up her thick thighs and rests just inches from her pussy. My pulse races as I remember her naked body in the shower.
It was near impossible to put her in the shower without looking. I tried for a few minutes, but I ended up brushing against her tits more times when I closed my eyes than when I had them open. Further proof that I like to torture myself when it comes to Sydney.
Her hands reach down to grip the collar of my T-shirt as she pulls me closer.
“Parker.” Her breath is hot on my lips, and my name is a silent plea.
I clench my jaw and swallow, my hands coming up to grip the edge of her bed. I keep telling myself to look at her eyes and not her plush mouth. The very same mouth I spent way too much time staring at when she fell asleep in my arms. If I hadn’t been afraid of waking her up, I would’ve kissed her then.