Page 74 of Forbidden Game

Lee shuffles over and gives Syd’s free hand a squeeze. “You sure you’re feeling okay? You seemed off earlier.”

“Yeah, just a little tired.” She smiles, but I see the exhaustion weighing on her.

I know for a fact she didn’t get any sleep last night because she ran into some issues with one of our sponsorship contracts and had to work with Mathias to get it sorted. I want to go over there and give her a hug, but I know she’ll push me off and get all worried that the others will read into it.

It sucks, but there’s really not much I can do, yet. She’s still warming up to the whole idea of something more between us. I don’t want to push her away before I’ve held her close. I just need to find some way to get a little more time with just us.

“What’s the plan?” Jackson asks. “I’m starving, so I vote food.”

“Fuck yes,” Aleks agrees.

“I’m down!” Deer chimes in. “There was a great pho place I came across.”

“Pho is solid.” I shove my mask into my bag and zip it up before hauling it over my shoulder.

I walk over to Syd and take her bag from her, slinging it onto my other shoulder. She opens her mouth to protest, but I don’t give her a chance, walking away with a wink through the door Jackson is holding open.

“I heard there’s an exclusive after party, too,” Deer adds as we all begin to file out of the greenroom.

“Exclusive?” Lee grins, spinning around and causing her slick black pigtails to whip around her head.

“How fun can a party in Seattle be?” I wrinkle my nose. This city isn’t exactly the first destination I think of when it comes to fun. With all the rain, it’s like a much shittier version of London.

“Maybe.” Aleks stretches his arms over his head, yawning. “I promised Stevie I’d video call her.”

“Don’t want to upset the missus.” Jackson gives Aleks a sympathetic pat on the back before strolling up to Deer and plucking one of her duffels from her hand. The five-foot-nothing Polly Pocket was carrying two bags the size of herself and waddling on her heels.

“Hey. I can carry my own bag,” she protests with a frown.

Jackson ignores her, hiking the pink bag under his arm without a hitch in his stride.

“What? Is no one going to help me?” Lee dramatically pouts up at Aleks.

Aleks gives her a pointed side-eye. “Nope.”

We make our way through the back corridors to where our transport is parked, the security detail following us the entire time. Even though everyone should be heading home, it doesn’t mean some fans aren’t hanging around for an extra glimpse.

Our two Escalades are ready and running when we get outside. The gray sky already has the smell of rain to it, and it further reminds me why I don’t like this city. If I wanted rain, I’d go home.

Deer and Lee—plus her security detail—pile into their car while the boys and I get into ours. I keep the door open for Syd, but she waves us off.

“I’m heading back to the hotel for the night. You guys figure out whatever it is you’re doing, just don’t get into any more trouble, okay? I really don’t want to have to bail anyone out of jail.”

I frown at her. “You can’t go back alone. Just get in the car. We’ll drop the guys off, and I’ll go with you back to the hotel.”

“Dude, you can’t bail.” Aleks leans forward from the backseat to throw his unwanted two cents into the conversation.

“See.” Sydney gestures to Aleks, and it makes me want to strangle him. “I’ll be fine, really. I’m exhausted, and I might be coming down with something. I just want to get back and sleep.”

My frown deepens as I continue to scrutinize her. I hate that she’s brushing me off, but I’m not going to throw a tantrum over it in a Seattle back alley.

Plus, the more I look at her, the more I see the signs of exhaustion stamped onto her body. Sure, the guys and I work a full schedule and don’t really have any set vacation days, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take days off here and there, depending on how we feel. Sydney, however…something tells me that she hadn’t had a real day off in a very long time. Something I was going to have to fix.

“Fine, we’ll catch you back at the hotel.”

I give her hand a secret squeeze as I step into the car.

“I’ll see you guys in the morning. We’re meeting in the lobby at eight for breakfast before the flight.”