Page 69 of Forbidden Game

I stifle a gasp as I stumble backward.

Aleks’ tattooed hand steadies my shoulder. “Whoa. Hey, Syd.”

My eyes dart from him to the man by his side. Parker runs a hand through his platinum hair. He grins when he spots me, eyes lighting up. My stomach swoops.

“Darling Sydney, to what do we owe the pleasure?”

I swallow, regaining my composure as they stack their helmets in the hall closet. I can’t exactly ask Parker about the shoes while Aleks is in the room. It would raise too many questions.

So, I just go with my standard excuse these days.

“I just had some things to go over with you before the tournament this weekend.”

Parker’s eyes flick to mine before they dip to the red box under my arm. A smug smile tugs at his lips, and I fight to keep a straight face.

“Sure.” He angles his head toward the kitchen. “Let me just grab a drink.”

“Toss me one while you’re at it,” Aleks adds, shucking off his leather jacket and tossing it on the couch.

Great, doesn’t seem like he is going anywhere soon.

This is a dumb idea.

“You know what? It’s fine, we can go over it tomorrow.” I spin on my feet, but Parker grabs my arm.

“Hey, pause. Just head to my streaming room, I’ll be there in a sec.”

I want to argue, but my traitorous mind is too distracted by the feeling of his hand on me. I purse my lips, nodding, before strolling past him.

I slip into his room and start to feel a little more at ease in the blue glow.

I pad over to his set up, resting the box on the corner of the long black desk. My hand reaches out to trace the blue LED mask on display.

God, how quickly things have begun to change.

“Did you like my gift?” Parker takes a loud sip of his energy drink as he kicks the door shut behind him.

I’d been right.

“You didn’t need to do this.” I hold a hand out to the box.

“Well, the shoes go with the outfit, so.” Parker shrugs, flopping into his gaming chair, rolling backward.


“Oh, it hasn’t arrived yet?” He pulls his phone from his pocket and begins scrolling. “Ah, nine p.m. delivery. How disappointingly slow.”

I pluck the phone from his hands and stare down at the order on his phone. It’s a matching black and white plaid skirt and blazer set—not too dissimilar to the one I had on the other day, but the price tag is triple what I’d spent.


Parker places his can on the desk before standing up and reclaiming his phone. He scrolls a little more before flashing the screen at me with a grin. “It comes in blue, too. But that one’s on back order, so it won’t arrive till next month. Thought you’d look hot in my color.”

I open my mouth to argue, but I’m cut off as his lips press against mine.

It stuns me as he pulls away.

“Do you always complain when people do nice things for you, love?”