Page 54 of Forbidden Game

God dammit. I would give anything to taste her again.

If all I can get are a handful of forbidden kisses and stolen touches, then at least it’s something.

Selfishly, I want her to give me more.

I just don’t know how to convince her. I don’t know how to get her to move forward, to give me more than five minutes.

What I know is that the want I’ve had for her hasn’t lessened since the day we met. In fact, I’m beginning to realize that it’s just gotten stronger and I’m falling deeper and deeper for a woman who wants me and wants nothing to do me with me at the same time. A woman who will only grant me a stolen kiss before icing me out.

And that’s what I’m most afraid of. I’m scared that she’s going to retreat further into her icy shell and I’m going to lose any hope at having her take my hand.

“Sir, excuse me, but you can’t sit here. This table is reserved for a party of two arriving shortly.” The waitress pulls me out of my memories and gives me an apologetic smile as she points to the “reserved” placard on my table.

Seriously? There are no other open tables.

I flick my eyes over to Sydney and Justin, who are still locked deep in conversation, a silent battle on both their faces. I open the wine menu and point to the most expensive bottle of champagne.

“I’ll take this.”

The woman’s brows turn down in confusion. “Um. I…I said the table was reserved.”

“I know, and I said I’d order this four-hundred-dollar bottle of champagne.”

I deliver the line with a very fake, closed-lip smile. The kind that borders the line of asshole and privileged.

She blinks at me like a robot rebooting before snatching up the placard with a smile. “Of course, I’ll bring it right out.”

The waitress come scurrying back out and brandishes the bottle with a flourish before popping it.

The noise resounds through the restaurant. I curse under my breath, turning my head to the side and shifting my chair so I’m obscured by the waitress. She pours me a glass with a smile. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No, thank you,” I wave her off, my hand coming up to play with the hoops in my ear nervously.

When she moves away, she reveals the promise of murder in Sydney’s gaze from across the restaurant.

Yeah, this really isn’t going to plan.

Although, contempt is better than indifference. I’d rather her want to cut off my dick than want nothing to do with it. I’ll take the win where I can at this point.

I raise the flute of champagne to my lips, watching them as I sip. It’s not bad; the honeysuckle sweetness bubbles on the tongue, but it’s definitely overpriced. I could buy three of these directly from my seller for the same cost.

But the price is nothing when it gives me a chance at Sydney.

Whenever Justin takes a sip of his coffee, Syd’s gaze strays to me briefly and her anxiety oozes out. It’s enough of a sign that whatever conversation she’s having with Justin isn’t a great one.

It means one of us fucked up.

I run back through everything I did in Japan, but nothing sticks out as overtly problematic, and I mentally pat myself on the back. I don’t try to make her life harder, but sometimes life happens and the next thing you know, you’re streaking nude through the garden of the Skaugum Estate.

Two glasses of champagne, a complimentary bread bowl, and five rounds of the MMO game I play on my phone later, I finally catch movement at Syd’s table again.

She stands up and straightens her skirt before grabbing the matching jacket from the back of her chair and slipping it on. Justin follows suit and brandishes his elbow for Syd to hold onto. She quirks her brow at him but places a dainty hand in the nook. I stop myself from rolling my eyes and instead pick up my menu to hide behind.

“I’m glad we were able to clear everything up,” Justin comments as they get nearer.

Sydney snorts. “You would’ve been delusional to post that rumor, Rivera.”

“Se mezcla un poco la verdad con mucha desinformación,” Justin tsks. “There’s always a little truth, little Sydney.”