I bite my thumb.
ME: What do you want?
JUSTIN ?? RIVERA: Let’s discuss the details tomorrow.
ME: I’m pretty busy.
JUSTIN ?? RIVERA: I guess it can wait…gives me time to gather extra evidence.
JUSTIN ?? RIVERA: Does Monday fit into your schedule better?
Hm. Whatever these photos are, he must be the only one with them if he is willing to give me almost a week.
It’s all suspicious.
ME: Monday works.
JUSTIN ?? RIVERA: Wonderful. La Sienna at 12.
I toss my phone onto the coffee table, too lazy to make the walk back to the bowl.
“Everything all right?” Lee nudges me with her fuzzy-socked foot.
“As much as it can be.” I grab a handful of mini pretzels and stuff them into my mouth.
“Ominous,” Deer croons.
“If it was Aleks, I apologize in his stead,” Stevie salutes.
“Depends, you guys get photographed doing something you shouldn’t?”
Stevie swirls her red wine as she thinks, and I pinch the bridge of my nose. Those two, I swear. Aleks is supposed to get into less trouble with a girlfriend, not more.
“We should be in the clear.” She gives me a thumbs up. “We made sure to lock the door of the bathroom before fucking.”
“Lovely,” I cringe. “Bathroom where?”
“The Electric Tyger. We went clubbing to celebrate Parker’s win Saturday—in spirit.”
Of course, they did.
They were all out clubbing while I was busy sticking my tongue down Parker’s throat, where it certainly did not belong.
“I’m sure it’ll all be fine,” I sigh, sinking deeper into the couch.
I try to focus on the rest of the podcast episode, but my mind keeps wandering.
What could the photos be of?
Why would Justin want to show me them in person?
How come Parker never told me about the apartment?
What else has Parker done without me knowing?
I am going to drive myself into a wall at this rate.