Page 35 of Forbidden Game

As my eyes flutter open, I wonder if I’m still dreaming. Sydney’s back is curled against my chest, her pert ass a hairsbreadth away from my cock. The slightest movement has it grazing my slowly stiffening length.

My entire body freezes.

Everything in this exact moment is a fucking wet dream come true.

I haven’t moved an inch all night. I’m not a restless sleeper; in fact, I sleep like the dead when I do. Which is how I know that it was Sydney dearest who somehow made her way from one end of the bed to the other during the night.

A distraught beeping fills the room, and my arms flinch in response.

Sydney’s eyes pop open as her body jerks to attention.

Her head swivels and wide eyes meet my own. A range of emotions crash over her before she settles on panic. She scrambles out of my arms, leaving nothing but loss behind.

I blindly reach behind me for my phone, slapping it a few times before successfully shutting off the incessant blaring.

“Where are your clothes?” Sydney’s look is one of pure horror.

“I’m wearing briefs.” I lift the sheets to show her.

Her stormy gaze travels down my body. It lingers low for a beat too long, and I can’t keep the smirk off my face. I’ve never been ashamed of my body, and the way Sydney’s taking her time cataloging every inch of my skin only bolsters my confidence.

“You can take a picture. Keep it for nights when you miss me,” I tease.

She sucks in her cheeks, gaze immediately bouncing to my eyes before flicking to the window behind me.

“You were wearing clothes last night.”

“I was.” I sit up and rest my arms behind my head on the headboard. “Then I had a shower and I took them off.”

“I would remember getting into bed with a naked man.” She tries to pin me with a glare but fails as her eyes stray to my biceps.

“Again, not technically naked.”

“Why would you sleep in just your underwear?” She crosses her arms over her chest, drawing attention to the hard nipples poking through the white silk pajama top.

I refrain the urge to readjust my cock.

“Because I figured you’d take offense if I did sleep naked. Commando is my preferred sleeping attire.” I wink.

Her pillowy lips part, and she can’t stop her gaze from straying. The bed sheets still cover the lower half of my body, but that doesn’t mean I can’t tell where she is looking. Her small hands tighten around her biceps.

Fuck. What I wouldn’t give to have those delicate fingers wrapped around my cock.

“Whatever. I saw enough of your penis the other night, I don’t need to see it again,” her button nose wrinkles in feigned distaste. “It wasn’t that impressive anyway.”


But if she wants to play that game…

“Sydney, love. I think you’re mistaken. I can show you again, just to be sure.” I fling the bedsheet away and ignore the cold air as I toy with the edge of the band around my briefs.

Sydney pitches forward screaming, “Don’t you dare!” as she throws her hands out to stop me.

She realizes her mistake too late, though.

I also realize my own mistake, for a totally different reason.

Sydney’s hands are on my cock.