I have no regrets.
“You’re fired.”
I blink at the man on the screen in front of me.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I said you’re fired, Sydney. Effective immediately. You violated your contract; there’s nothing I can do.”
“Mathias, I—”
“Happy holidays.”
The screen goes black, and I just stare at myself in the reflection.
What the hell?
I attempt to call him back, but he just declines it.
Who fires someone like that? That can’t be legal. In fact, I am sure it isn’t.
Not only that, but I’d worked for the man for five years.
Five. Years.
And that’s how he fires me?
Happy holidays, my butt.
Anger bubbles in my blood as I pull up my email and begin typing an extremely passive-aggressive message.
“Everything okay, love?” Parker pads into the bedroom, buttoning up his navy blue shirt.
“Mathias just freaking fired me,” I seethe. I try to keep myself from screeching the words. The last thing I need is for the entire Covington clan to hear this.
Parker, Phoebe, my father, and I had flown to London on the private jet a few days ago. We spent some time exploring the city.
I’ve never been to the UK before, and Parker hadn’t minded indulging my every whim as I’d giddily dragged us to every tourist attraction.
Of course, in true Parker fashion, he had to take it to the next level, even booking us a private helicopter ride and exclusive museum tours. We’d stayed at the Covington townhouse in Kensington, spending the early mornings strolling the leafy walking paths of Holland Park. We made the drive up to Buckinghamshire, where their other residence is, yesterday for the holidays.
I’d had expectations of what the Covington mansion would look like.
I’d been totally wrong.
It is an entire estate, acres and acres of land sprawled out, with a central mansion that can house a hundred people, without fail.
It looks like something out of a historical romance novel. Every room is beautifully detailed in the English Baroque style, giving it a regal palace feel. There is even a sprawling garden that I know would take me days to fully explore.
The images I’d concocted in my mind hadn’t held a candle to what the place truly looks like. If this is how beautiful it looks in the winter, I can’t wait to see it in the summer when all the trees and flowers are in bloom.
“He said I broke my contract, but I have no idea how he even found out we were dating.” I continue typing my email.