He curls into bed behind me, and I drift off in the comfort of his arms and the knowledge that I never want to leave them.
I watch him sleeping next to me. I memorize every inch of his face. The strong blond brows, the small scar on his temple, the barest hint of stubble on his chin.
My hand itches to reach out to trace the gentle slope of his nose. My thumb begs to rub over his full bottom lip.
The more I look at him, the more I want him.
His lashes flutter seconds before his eyes open. Those baby blues are the kind of color women go mad for. They hold every emotion under the sun, clear as day. Right now, they speak a story of adoration, and I smile in response.
“Hey, beautiful.” Parker juts his neck forward to place a kiss on the tip of my nose.
“Why do you always do that?” The question leaves my mouth instead of staying in my brain. I wince before giving him a sheepish grin. “Morning, handsome.”
Parker huffs out a laugh, the corners of his eyes crinkling before he plops another kiss atop my nose.
“I do this because it’s instinct. Every time I look at you, the air is stolen from my lungs, and all that remains is this need to be with you, to be touching you.” I suck in a breath at his words. “That, and you have the cutest button nose that just begs to be kissed. It’s not my fault you have such a kissable face. Just reap the benefits, love.” He throws me a cheeky grin before he lifts out of the sheets. I lament the loss of his warmth as he pads into the ensuite.
I watch him through hooded eyes as he walks back into the bedroom. Parker quirks a brow, running a hand through his messy platinum hair.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I might just eat you for breakfast.”
“Maybe that’s what I want.”
Heat blazes across his baby blues as that growing want swirls low in my belly.
“Be careful, Sydney.” His voice is low and thick.
I let my gaze trail his naked figure. I don’t know why I ever got mad at him for sleeping nude. He is sculpted like a statue.
Slowly, I lift the sheets from my body. When Parker had put me to bed last night, he’d taken off my clothes, so I am just in my lingerie.
I drag my ring finger languidly up my bare stomach and through the shallow valley of my breasts and across my shoulder. I butterfly my left leg and drop my other hand to trace a path up my inner thigh, pausing right at the seam of my panties.
Parker reaches down and strokes his thickening cock, watching my every move with the precision of a pro gamer.
My eyes are locked on his the entire time, and the tension between us grows hot and heavy.
I bite my lip and let my finger dip under the lace. I inhale deeply as I feel the gathering wetness between my thighs.
Parker pounces on the bed at a speed I can’t even track, positioning himself between my legs.
“Come on, Sydney. Show me how much that pretty cunt glistens for me.”
My stomach flips at his words.
He tears off my panties and runs two fingers up my slit, bringing my want to his mouth and sucking on it.
“My favorite meal.” He grins before hauling me above him and switching our positions. “Now sit on my face and ride me. I want to drown in your taste.”
His tongue dips into me, and I try not to crush him.
“Fucking suffocate me,” he growls from below before he grips my hips and forces me down.
I squirm almost instantly at the intense pressure his tongue creates dipping into me. For all his teasing words, this boy has a mouth that works wonders. I don’t even have to remind myself to relax into the feeling. When I’m with Parker, he’s the only thing on my mind.
There is no doubt that he has ruined me for anyone else.