Page 144 of Forbidden Game

“A lovely Christmas gift for them,” I snort, hitting the lift for the floor of private suites Syd is located on.

There is one thing my grandfather missed.

I’m not just going to sit around and wait for the board to strip me of my power.

I accept the fact that I have to step down as heir. If I keep holding on to that shield, I would never move forward. I need to be free of that weight so I can soar to new heights on my own. I am EnglishCoffee, and I would become the best gamer there is.

But I would do it on my own terms; I wouldn’t do it just because the board bullied me into it.

In fact, I would make them regret pushing me.

All this time, I thought I couldn’t have my cake and eat it, too. Technically, I can’t. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give my cake to someone else.

I stop short of Sydney’s room and smile at the blonde frowning at her phone in the corridor.

“Paige, can I talk to you?”



“I don’t get how you drink this stuff.” Parker screws his nose up as he sips on the red juice. “It tastes like dirt.”

“That’s because the only things you ingest are champagne and energy drinks. I think your body rejects anything healthy.” I make a loud sucking noise as I finish my own juice.

It’s a carrot, beet, orange, and ginger blend, and it’s my favorite. But no matter how many times I order it for the boys, Jackson and Parker won’t stop acting like I’m making them drink battery acid.

Aleksander pretends he hates it, but he always finishes his before even I do. That’s a win at least.

“I’m healthy,” he challenges, kicking a stray pebble on the sandy sidewalk.

“Sure,” I drawl, tossing my empty cup into the nearest recycling bin.

The action causes my jaw to clench slightly at the slight tug of pain.

My ribs are still a little bruised. I’ve been taking it easy, hoping it would speed up the recovery, and it’s worked, mostly. I still can’t lift anything heavy, but I can officially reach up and grab things off the top shelf without feeling like someone is punching me in the process.

I can also take full breaths again, which is why I wanted to walk along the ocean and enjoy the salty, fresh air.

It’s taken three weeks to get to this point.

I’d spent most of that time resting up in Missouri after Vegas. Partially, it was because I was heading there for Thanksgiving anyway, and partially, it was because I didn’t want my dad to be more worried than he already was. It gave him a sense of comfort to be able to watch over me.

Of course, Parker had flown out to join us between all his press events. He is in even higher demand since his record-breaking win at the Divizion Championship Series. I, personally, am proud of myself for not joining him at those events.

All right, I’d tried to, but my body physically hadn’t let me.

On the plus side, being practically bedridden had shown me that I don’t need to micromanage the boys as much as I have been. Surprisingly, they’d behaved at all their events. I’m not sure how long it will last, but I am grateful for it.

Parker throws the last third of his juice in a nearby trash can, and I scowl at him as he slings an arm over my shoulders.

I huddle into his warmth, saving myself from the cool December air rolling off the dark blue ocean.

“What’s going on in that mind of yours, love?”

“Just thinking how impressed I am none of you boys have done anything ridiculous for almost a month.”

“That you know of.”