Page 126 of Forbidden Game

Standing, I brush myself off, unruffling the poofy blue dress.

“Oh my Gods, they were right.” Deer points an acrylic nail at me. “You’re fucking!”

My jaw goes slack. “What?”

“Yes,” Aleks hisses, fist bumping the air. “I win.”

“No way, the bet was whoever figured out we were dating first. Dating,” Parker counters.

“You’re dating?” Lee gapes at me.

“See, now I win.”

“Dude, that’s not how it works.” Aleks steps closer to Parker, and they come chest to chest. “I get to drive the Lambo, fair and square.”

“Not my fault you weren’t less specific about the terms.”

“Shut up, both of you.” Lee pushes them apart and holds a hand in front of each of their chests. She gives me an exaggerated pout. “Sydney?” She says it all whiney and hurt.

I give her a weak smile. “Surprise?”

“Girl.” She gives my shoulder a push before crushing me in a hug. “I hate you, but I’m so happy for you.” She whispers it so only I hear her.

“Thank you.”

She pulls back, smiling at me. “You have to tell me everything.”


“Ew, no.” Her nose scrunches, and she loops her arm in mine.

“Well, I want to hear everything.” Stevie grins.

“Yeah, like is it as big as Stevie said?” Deer bounces in front us and starts walking backward with a smirk.

“You guys,” I groan, flushing.

Deer lets out a sparkly laugh, crinkling her eyes. Her expression falters for a split second, and her eyes flare slightly as she looks over my shoulder. I follow her gaze but see nothing out of the ordinary. When I look at her again, she’s nothing but smiles, pushing herself between Stevie and me before looping her arm around my free elbow.

“Come on, Syd. You can share. What is it, eight inches?”

“I’m more than happy to prove that,” Parker calls from behind us.

“No public nudity,” I shout back.

“But, babe.”

We all fall into a fit of laughter as we weave our way back into the throng of the festival crowds. The girls keep chittering around me, peppering me with questions. My heart lightens as I fill them in with details. I didn’t realize how much I had wanted to talk with them about this. I was so used to keeping a thin barrier between me and everyone else. But Parker had shattered that and shown me freedom.

I turn and look at the naughty angel behind me. He winks, mouthing the word “later.” The promise burns into my skin, sending a fire to my thighs. I look forward, pressing my lips together to hide the smile.

This boy is trouble in the best ways.



“Now, if you look at that leaderboard, you’ll see—”