“Thanks.” Syd keeps her face straight as she brushes imaginary lint from the sleeve.
The nonchalance sets off a glint in Aleks’ eyes as they bounce from Stevie to Syd. “What’s it made of?” He leans over and rubs the bottom of the shirt. “Feels like boyfriend material.”
Jackson snorts something sounding like the word “loser,” and I whack Aleks on the back of the head.
“Hands off my girlfriend, dude.”
“I KNEW IT!” Stevie squeals as she jumps to her feet. “I told you he said girlfriend earlier.” She points a finger at Aleks.
Sydney flushes but manages to keep her composure.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her on top of his lap. “You’re always right.”
“Damn straight.”
“I’m surprised it took the rest of you this long to notice.” Jackson lifts his legs onto the coffee table and crosses them at the ankle with a smug look.
“What are you talking about?” Syd frowns across the couch at him.
“I’ve known for weeks.”
“Bullshit,” I accuse, getting up and moving seats to where Stevie previously was, hooking my arm around Syd’s shoulders.
“What tipped you off?” she asks.
“Seattle, among other things.”
Her lips curls, “Ugh,” and she glares up at me. “I told you it was suspicious.”
“Oh, come on. Aleks didn’t realize, and he was right outside the door!”
“At this point, I think you could’ve opened the door, and he still wouldn’t have put two and two together.”
“Hey, hey,” Aleks butts in. “Not cool. We gang up on Parker. We don’t gang up on me. That’s not how this works.”
“Just wait until the girls find out. They’re going to freak!” Stevie grins.
“Lee’s going to kill me,” Sydney whines.
“Well, she’s going to figure it out during Halloween unless you find a way to keep Mr. Handsy here in line.” Stevie inclines her head toward me.
I realize my hand has been tracing an absent path up and down Sydney’s arm.
“Who wants to bet?” I smirk. “If Lee or Deer will figure it out first?”
“Parker.” Sydney draws out my name in warning.
“I’m in,” Aleks smirks back.
“Of course you are,” Stevie sighs.
“If Deer figures it out first, I get to take the Lambo out.” Aleks holds out a hand to me, the chipped black nail polish glinting.
“Fine. If it’s Lee, then you to have to get my name tattooed on your ass.” I grip his hand hard.
I am so going to win.
“Boys and their games,” Stevie sings.