“Bossy.” Her eyes light up as they scan up and down my body. “I like it.”
Heat rushes to my dick, but I will it away as I help her finish her practice.
We run through a few combinations, focusing mainly on a double jab, right hook, left kick, left kick combo. She doesn’t have the timing down yet, and the lag between the two kicks means she’s not dealing enough damage as she should. It’s a popular combo to learn, but a lot of people struggle with the finishing kicks. Even so, Syd is frustrated.
“Hey, you’re getting close.” I squeeze her shoulder.
“Not close enough,” she huffs and blows her bangs off her forehead before removing her gloves.
I laugh and pick up my own gloves before throwing my arm around her shoulders and guiding her out of the gym and toward my car.
She wrinkles her nose and tries to push away from me. “Ugh, you’re so sweaty.”
“Me?” I look down at her. “You’re the one glistening right now, love. I’m not even sure I should let you in my car. Don’t want you ruining the leather.”
“Ha ha, very funny.”
I open the door for her, and she slides into the Lambo—which I did get cleaned after our ocean date. I get in the driver’s side and throw our gloves on the ground of the passenger seat.
The drive back to the apartment complex is smooth. She only yells at me once when I hit one hundred on a particularly empty strip of highway and gives me a mild glare when I swerve a little to fast into my parking spot.
“My place or yours?” I ask her when we enter the private elevator, pulling her to my side.
“Well, I need to shower, as you so kindly pointed out earlier.” Sarcasm drips from her tone as she stares up at me.
“You could always shower with me. I have many jets in my shower and many ways to use them.” I wink, and she flushes.
“Yeah, sure, and how do you propose we explain why I’m using your shower instead of my own that’s just fifty floors away?”
“No one’s home.” I shrug, hitting the button for the penthouse. “Aleks and Stevie have a brunch date, and Jackson’s at his sister’s violin recital.”
She purses her lips and pulls out her phone to open the tracking app. Sure enough, the little map shows Stevie and Aleks at a nearby café while Jackson is an hour away at his sister’s school.
It is a rare occasion to have the apartment to myself.
I lean down and rest my chin on her shoulder. “See? Now why don’t you come up and play with me?”
She shivers and peeks up at me through her lashes with a girlish smile. “Okay, hotshot.”
I grin, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She turns into me, and our lips come together in a soft marriage. My hand snakes around the soft dip of her hip and pulls her closer.
In no time, I have her pressed up against the wall of the elevator, panting as our kisses become feverish. She moans into my mouth, and my cock stiffens at the noise.
The elevator doors open, and we stumble out into the apartment, kicking off our trainers as we keep kissing.
I waste no time throwing our gloves into the entryway and dipping down to pick her up. She lets out a twinkling laugh as I princess carry her into my bedroom. I use my knee to open the door to my ensuite and deposit her on the marble next to the sink. I drag my lips away from her as I step into the shower and crank up all the handles, releasing sprays from every direction.
The bathroom begins to fog up, and I turn back to the beauty behind me. Sydney swings her legs as she stares at me through hooded eyes. I run my hands down her thighs as I lean in to kiss her. My hands continue to trail up her waist, onto her bare skin, until the tips of my fingers toy with the bottom of her sports bra.
My heart beats heavily as I curl my fingers under the band.
“May I?”
“Please,” she breathes.
I tug the lilac fabric from her body and toss it on the floor behind us. Her small breasts pop free, and those pale pink nipples harden. She’s a sight to behold.
I dip my head to swirl one of them in my mouth. I taste her salty skin as my tongue circles her hard peak, and her chest arches farther into me. I lick a path up her chest and neck, sucking on a particularly sensitive spot that has her gasping and clenching beneath me.