I swallow, peeling off my mask and letting my eyes adjust to the lighting. I shove it in my backpack and pull out my headset.
“You look like shit.”
I side-eye Creep with a sarcastic smile. “Thanks.”
“You better give it your all, English.”
As if I would give anything less.
“Just watch.”
Creep gives me a grin as he slides on his neon orange headset. I follow suit, clicking my noise-cancelling into place.
I might be fighting this battle at half HP, but that won’t stop me.
I brace my left hand on the keyboard, my right hand curving around the mouse. The cursor hovers over the start button, and I close my eyes. I picture the woman who pushed me here.
I feel her with me, her support and warmth. Syd’s cherry scent still clings to my skin, and it sets me at equilibrium. My power surges, and I open my eyes, ready and full of fight.
That and the energy drinks start to kick in. Ungodly high amounts of caffeine are filtering through my bloodstream. They basically function like a stat potion, souping me up for the battle.
“Three. Two.”
Jitters run through me.
I definitely drank way too much caffeine.
My pointer finger reacts on instinct, clicking on the Start button.
The second the opening sequence begins to play out, my nerves freeze and die. A practiced cool falls over me. I let my field of vision zero in on just the monitor before me.
I remember who I am. I remember what I’ve been training for.
This time around, I use everything in my arsenal. That skip I didn’t implement last time? I execute it perfectly. A five-minute boost. The neo-grenade trick one of Mathias’ guys saw Creep use in the replay? I use it as well. I use it better.
I don’t leave any card unturned.
I’m halfway through the second hour when I get to the same part I faltered at in Miami. My jaw clenches as my hawk eyes zone in on my character world traveling. Butterflies flurry in my stomach as I keep my finger poised on the right click, waiting to double-tap it. My character drops to the ground, and I mash the mouse, my shotgun exploding into the dirt.
The glitch activates.
I watch as my dystopian cowboy goes flying across the barren town. When he lands at the mission point, I let out a small sigh of relief.
A small victory, but there’s still more I need to do.
I curse when one of my frag bombs goes awry, but I smile when the nerve gas mission completes without a hitch.
I’m getting closer and closer to the end, and I have no clue if I’ve done enough.
But I still have one last trick up my sleeve.
There’s a clip that I know will guarantee my win, but the added time to execute it will end me if it doesn’t all go perfectly.
I weigh my options.
Take the risk or not?