“How are you turning this on me?” Bridgette jabbed her chest.
I sighed, seeing the line I crossed. Bridgette was right; I shouldn't have redirected the conversation to her own love life. However, my frustration and uncertainty about my relationship with Julia clouded my judgment. "I'm sorry, Bridge." My voice softened. "I didn't mean to make it about you. It's just... I'm starting to feel like maybe Julia will never be able to fully open up to me."
The glare plastered to Bridgette’s face melted as quickly as it appeared. She reached across the table and placed her hand on mine. "Listen, I know Julia has been hurt in the past, and I didn’t mean to fill you with any doubt. Trust me, she knows how lucky she is to have you.” Bridgette released a breathy laugh. “If I’m being completely honest? I’m still in shock I’m hearing this from you. It’s like I’m sitting across from a new you.”
“I’m telling you. I’ve never felt this way about a woman before in my life. She’ll come around, right?”
“Of course, Julia will. She’s not stupid.” Bridgette squeezed my hand and reclaimed her salad.
“I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
“Oh yeah?” Bridgette’s brow popped. “I’m sure I’ll like her.”
“You’ll love her.” I popped another mouthwatering piece of sushi in my mouth.
“True. But will she love me back?” Bridgette thrust her tongue into her cheek.
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” I bowed my head. “Hey, want me to text Julia asking if the two of you can meet?”
“You’re going to ask now?” Bridgette shifted.
“Yeah, why not?” I didn’t see it as a big deal. Plus, it gave me an excuse to speak to Julia, which always sparked my heart.
“Isn’t she busy at work?” Bridgette’s leg shook under the table, and I knew what it meant. She was nervous. “Seriously, don’t bother her.”
I smirked at Bridgette's anxiety. "Oh, don't worry, Julia's not that intimidating," I teased.
“I am not intimidated.” Bridgette fanned her face. “You’re making me frazzled.”
“Seriously, Bridge. Why are you so nervous?” I caught her wrist mid-air, quelling the human fan.
“Because Julia is suddenly your world, and what if we don’t get along? Maybe I’m just acting a little selfish.” Bridgette pushed a loose dark brown lock behind her ear, taking a small bite of cucumber.
“Just relax. Julia is one of the nicest people, and I’m not just saying that because she’s the one.”
Bridgette dropped her fork onto the plate, triggering a deafening clank. “Wait, what? The one? Did you just say the one?”
“I did. I’m probably the only man on Earth to believe the woman I confessed my love to, who hasn’t reciprocated, is still the one. But hey. I guess when you know, you know.” I shrugged.
“Did you ever feel anything like this with Libby?”
The mention of Libby’s name sent ice throughout my body, and I froze. When I met Bridgette’s gaze, she knew.
“You never told Julia about Libby, did you?”
I held Bridgette's gaze, feeling a lump form in my throat. "Not exactly," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "I haven't told her about Libby."
Bridgette leaned back, her eyes widening. "You haven't? Why not?"
"I don't know," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's complicated. Libby... she was a big part of my life and changed me.” I leaned forward. “Look, how I treated Libby was awful. I led her on and made her believe I was the one for her when I knew I never truly or could ever love her. It’s a part of my life I’m not proud of, and I’ve blocked it out.”
“It’s going to come out. Just saying.” Bridgette held up a warning hand.
“How could I let my mom control me like that? It’s what brings the most shame. Every part of that relationship with Libby was lived to please my mother. It was pathetic. And that is why I don’t speak about it. Because any woman who hears that will instantly think I’m the biggest momma’s boy. That is not who I am.”
“I know. If anything, now you live to piss your mother off.” Bridgette laughed.
“That’s not entirely true.” I drummed my fingers on the table, realizing I’d never be able to finish my lunch if I kept talking about my mom. Pulling out my phone, I texted Julia. “You’re slick, though. You got me all distracted. I almost forgot to text Julia.”