“Yeah, guess it runs in the family.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re not that bad.”

He laughs and I love how much more relaxed he is compared to how tense he was on the drive over.

We’ve barely gotten into the house when Marcus tugs on my arm and pulls me into his lap. I tumble down and automatically wrap my arms around his neck before I struggle to carefully get off his lap. Even after sitting in his lap yesterday, I’m still worried about hurting him.

“Don’t go,” he says, then his mouth covers mine as his hand cups my breast.

As he smoothly moves his lips over mine, his tongue gently sweeps along the crease of my lips, urging me to open for him. With a soft exhale, I do.

A rush of warmth fills my core and the need only intensifies the longer the kiss goes on. Marcus’s other hand creeps up under my dress to palm my thigh before inching higher and rubbing along the front of my pussy. The way I’m sitting sideways on his lap, there’s no way for me to open my legs and let him touch me more.

He solves that by lifting my leg and hooking it over the arm of his chair. With my legs spread, he easily dips behind the leg hole of my panties and finds my inner folds slick for him.

Moaning into my mouth, he gently teases a finger into me, gathers some moisture and drags it up to smear around my clit. His finger moves around and around the hard nub until I’m quivering and gripping his shoulders so tightly I’m shocked I’m not hurting him.

Pulling back, Marcus looks into my face. The dark pupils of his eyes are dilated with desire, leaving only a thin ring of dark green. “I want to make love to you,” he declares.

He swallows hard. “It won’t be like you’re used to, but I will make it the best you’ve ever had.”

Out of any other man, I would think it was nothing more than a careless boast. From Marcus, I know it’s a promise.



“Yes,” Alice says right before her mouth crashes into mine. She kisses me with a fierceness that echoes the raw and painful need pounding through me.

Today was amazing. Alice is amazing.

If not for her, I would have spent today at home, alone and pouting over the unfairness of missing Dan’s party. Sure, Chase gave me a few sour looks but screw him. Terry was happy to see me and, more importantly, Dan was happy. I’d tick my younger brother off a thousand times over if it meant seeing and spending time with my nephew.

And now I get to spend time with this amazing woman, and she’s agreed to let me make love to her.

Yes, we’ve been having oral sex for days now. It’s not the same as her taking my cock. Something about it calls to me in a purely alpha male way. Even if I can’t use my legs, I’m still a man and I want to mark this woman as mine. To fill her with my cum and have her cry out my name as I’m the one that brings her pleasure. Me and only me.

I circle her clit and tease her as our lips smash together, our tongues wildly fighting for dominance. I can feel the moment she crashes over the edge, her entire body tensing, her nails digging deeper into my shoulders as her pussy begins to spasm. Her clit pulsates and a rush of her scent fills my nose as she comes and comes hard.

She breaks the kiss. Her head lowers, and she presses her face into my neck, her breath coming in fast pants as her body slumps and sags against my chest.

I slip my finger out of her baby blue panties and grip my handrims, moving slower than usual because of the extra weight of her. My muscles burn at the added strain, but I want to roar my satisfaction at having her in my arms and trustingly cuddled against me, counting on me to see to her needs.

In the bedroom, that’s when things get a little tricky. I can’t toss her up on the bed and tear her clothes off and cover her long, beautiful body with mine. Can’t wrap her amazing legs around my waist and thrust into her hot pussy the way I yearn to.

I can’t even strip off my own clothes in a sexy way. Because first I need to take care of my bladder, so I don’t have to worry about any accidents during our time together.

This is the part that annoys me. That I have to put the brakes on our lovemaking and deal with my broken body.

“Alice,” I murmur, ghosting my lips over her cheek and forehead. “I need you to get up, sweetheart.”

Opening her eyes, she lifts her head and smiles dreamily at me. Slowly, she slides off my lap and stands to the side of me. I hook a hand around her thigh and give it a squeeze. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

She blinks at that and frowns. “Where are you going?”

I gesture to my lap and legs. “I need to take care of some stuff.”

Her confusion is evident, yet she nods and moves away. My hand falls from her leg, and I turn and head into the bathroom.