“Stop being silly and let me help you.” My eyes search his face, and I nibble on my lower lip before asking, “Could I push your chair?”

His answer is firm and immediate. “Yes. Thank you.”

I slip off his lap and go behind him and wheel him towards the bedroom.

His head dips back and he looks up at me. “I’m sorry, Alice. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You didn’t know.”

Nodding, I keep pushing. “You’re right, I didn’t know.” I get to the bedroom and reach past him to push it open. “Surprise, surprise, you’re the first man in a wheelchair I’ve ever dated.”

“And I’ll be the last!” he venomously snaps.

I roll my eyes. “Yes, dear.”

Turning him in the direction of the bed, I hesitate. “Bed or bathroom?”

“Bathroom, please.”

After wheeling him in there, I give him his privacy and stay sitting on the bed when he comes out. He rolls over to me and stops off to the side, angling his chair. Reaching for my hand, I let him take it.

“I’m a rude guy, Alice,” he says slowly.

“Have you tried not being rude?” I ask and then laugh. “Haven’t we had this conversation, before?”

His fingers tighten on mine. “We have and no doubt we will again. I’m asking you to be patient with me.”

“Fair enough. I want you to extend the same courtesy to me. We’re both going to make mistakes. I’d rather we learn from them and move on than have them be huge roadblocks that we can’t get over or passed.”

“Agreed. I don’t want to lose you.”

Raising our joined hands I pull them towards me and place a kiss on the back of his. “And I don’t want to lose you either. You’re my match, after all.”

Marcus’s dark brows rise at that. “I am? According to who?”

“Me, silly!” Then I laugh. “Didn’t your grandmother tell you? Mine claimed you were my match and I guess she was right.”

“I guess she is,” he says with a smile.

His smile pulls me in, and I stand up and slide into his lap, needing to be closer to him. “So what does my match want to do with the rest of our day?”

His lips twist into the wicked grin that I adore so much. “I’m sure we can think of a few things.”

Leaning his head down, he trails his lips along my neck and jaw, pausing at the corner of my mouth. “Maybe we can start with that divine pussy of yours,” he whispers.

Heat immediately gathers in my core, and I squirm.

“My lunch was ruined and I’m still hungry,” he says, flicking his tongue along my lower lip.

I pull back enough to look at him. “Well, we can’t have that. Guess you’ll just have to eat until you get your fill.” I flutter my eyelashes and press my lips to his ear, giving it a fast lick and loving the way his body shudders. “And then you can fill me,” I breathe.

“Oh sweetheart, I’ll fill you alright,” he growls and claims my lips in a kiss full of the promise of pleasure and love.



“Woohoo! That was a whirlwind,” Charlotte says, fanning herself with her hand.

Brooke and Linda grin and sigh as they look over the pictures of the happy couple, Marcus and Alice.