“You,” I rasp.
She grasps my cock firmly and I can feel the latex condom being rolled down over it. It feels snug, and that’s a good thing. Sometimes I lose my erection and need an erection band. Those are also in the nightstand. With the condom being snug around the base of my cock that shouldn’t be an issue.
Her body hovers over mine and then her thighs settle on the sides of my hips. Holding my cock upwards, Alice slowly lowers herself over me, letting out a tiny moan as the head enters her snug pussy. Even with the condom, I can feel the heat of her and groan.
Lowering herself down slowly, her body takes my cock inch by inch until she’s spread wide over me and the wetness of her pools around my base.
“You’re so thick, Marcus,” she gasps, digging her nails into my chest as her hips give a tiny rock.
“And you are amazing. So hot and tight around me. Gripping me so hard.”
My words spur her on and she lifts up and then comes down again. As Alice finds her rhythm, I reach up and cup her swinging breasts. I pinch and play with her nipples as her pussy swallows my cock.
With the condom on, it limits my sensations, so I’m not sure if I’ll come or not, but either way I’ll make damn sure Alice does.
Her inner muscles squeeze me, and she moans. Slamming her hips down on me she furiously rides me. She grabs my nipples and pulls them. It’s almost painful yet feels amazing. I’m throbbing with arousal and the more Alice plays with my nipples, the closer I get to coming.
I release her breast and work my hand in between us, finding her clit and pressing it. She increases her speed, grinding her clit onto my finger as her channel begins to flutter wildly around my cock.
“Oh, Marcus,” she gasps and then she’s there. Her body squeezing me so tight as her pussy pulsates.
In the throes of her orgasm, Alice pinches at my nipples and tugs them, sending me over the edge, and then I’m coming with her. My cum shooting out and coating the condom and bathing the head of my cock with my warm wetness.
After that night, we make love in one form or another every night. Alice has a two-story house, so we stick with mine other than occasionally having dinner at hers. The weather holds and we’re able to meet at the park for lunch together almost every day.
I relax into the relationship and the more I learn about Alice, the more convinced I am that I’m the luckiest man on the planet.
When we’re not in bed together, we spend our time putting together the Porsche brick model I got her, watching TV shows and movies, and checking out the area's seemingly unlimited number of restaurants.
Which is how I find myself one Saturday afternoon watching the hostess like a hawk as she steers my wheelchair. I don’t like my chair being out of my sight. Since I’m dependent on it for mobility, I can’t be faulted for my nervousness.
Alice wanted to eat at this little diner and since it had a ramp, I couldn’t find a reason to refuse her request. If I had known it was all booths, I might have protested. But now we’re here and it’s too late.
The hard red vinyl bench seat isn’t doing my ass any favors and I push up with my hands to try to find a more comfortable position. After a few squirms, I realize it’s pointless.
My only hope is that the service is quick, and I can get out of here and back into my chair before my back and shoulder muscles seize up from the added strain.
“You are going to love their club sandwiches,” Alice comments happily as she pulls her chocolate milkshake over and takes the straw between her pink lips.
It makes me think of the way those lips were wrapped around my cock only a few hours ago.
She stops slurping and narrows her eyes. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“Thinking dirty thoughts,” she hisses under her breath, while her eyes dart around, making sure nobody is listening in.
The place is pretty packed, and the noise level is high, so I doubt anyone can hear a thing. I could probably raise my voice and talk loudly about how much I loved her giving me a blow job and nobody would bat an eye.
I wouldn’t risk Alice’s ire, though. Especially since it might cost me my blow job privileges.
“You’re doing it again.”
I laugh and pull my glass of water over. “I can’t help it. When I’m around you, those dirty thoughts come naturally.”