Despite my mobility issues, I can still enjoy a variety of activities, as long as arrangements are made ahead of time. This lack of planning does severely limit our options for today though. It comes down to eating out, going to the movies, or maybe walking through the park we’ve had lunch at. We’re only about forty minutes away from the McGregor Museum of Art. If Alice wanted, we could make an afternoon of it there.
With that option in mind, I can focus on finishing these reports and answering a few emails.
Twenty minutes later, a soft knock on the door sounds and Alice peeks her head around the opened door. “Breakfast number two is ready.”
Her eyes roam around the room and I wave her in. The office is spacious, even with my large desk and multiple bookshelves occupying the space. The large windows dominating one wall help keep the room with its dark wood furniture from becoming dark and gloomy. She takes everything in and nods. “Very nice. Very masculine.”
Before I can ask about that, her eyes shift to the blue gift bag still on the chair by the door.
“What’s this?” she asks, walking over and reading the tag. “Happy Birthday Dan.”
“My nephew,” I supply, hoping that will be the end of it.
Letting the tag go, her smile dims. “Lucky you, I’m an only child, so no nieces or nephews for me.” Her smile brightens. “What did you get him?”
I close down my computer and sigh. “A drone.”
Alice laughs. “What a cool gift! Are you the cool uncle?” she teases, coming over and running her fingers down my scruffy cheek.
I snort. “Hardly.”
“When’s his birthday?”
“Tomorrow.” I capture her hand and press a kiss to her palm. “How do you feel about checking out the McGregor Museum of Art? I believe I saw they have a new exhibit.”
She ignores that. “You are in luck; the weather is supposed to be fantastic tomorrow. Perfect for trying that new drone out. I bet you can’t wait to see his face. You’ll have to tell me all about it.”
The hurt that I thought I had moved past rolls back. Dropping Alice’s hand, I roll back from her and go over to the gift, snatching it off the chair and thrusting it at her. “Here, you think it’s so fun, then why don’t you give it to him?” I snarl.
Automatically her hands come up and she grabs it before the bag can crash to the floor. Hugging it to her chest, Alice stares at me with wide blue eyes. “Marcus, what the hell?”
“His party is tomorrow, and I already sent a card and a check.”
“Okay,” she says, drawing the word out.
My shoulders hunch as remorse over my outburst fills me. “I’m sorry,” I say.
She takes the gift and places it carefully back on the chair before coming to stand in front of me. “Care to talk about it?” she asks gently.
“No,” I mutter stubbornly.
“Marcus.” Crossing her arms, she glares down at me.
I glare right back, even though I know I’m fully in the wrong here.
Finally all the fight goes out of me, and my shoulders sag and I drop my gaze. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
Uncrossing her arms, she waves a hand as if shooing away a pesky bug. “I don’t care about that. Why you snapped is what I’m interested in.”
A defeated sigh leaves me, even as something warm squirms in my chest. She’s still here. Normally, I act like an ass and people can’t get away fast enough.
“Can we talk in the living room?” I ask.
Her lips twist and finally she gives a single hard nod. Opening the door, she leads the way to the living room, taking a seat on the couch.
I park myself next to the long couch and debate sitting beside her or not. Wanting to be able to fully see her as we talk, I opt to remain in my chair.
“Again, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken things out on you.”