Releasing his nipple, I look down at his crotch, seeing the pale denim has a spot of darkness and I grin realizing that he came.
Lifting myself from him, his fingers pull out of my pussy and a tingle shoots through me. My clit and pussy are still pulsating with aftershocks of the stunning climax I just had.
Squirming, I cuddle against him, whispering into his neck, “That was amazing.”
He chokes back a laugh and turns his head to look at me. “Me coming in my pants is amazing?”
“It’s the fact that I could do that to you that is amazing.”
Marcus’s eyes soften as he gazes at me. “That’s how I feel having you come on my tongue. Knowing that I could do that to you, it’s a rush unlike any other.”
A trickle of moisture slips between my inner lips, and I clench my thighs tighter. “I think we both need to get cleaned up.”
Grimacing, he shoves some of his sweaty hair off his forehead. “If you don’t mind, I don’t know if I’m ready for you to see me like that.”
I sit up and stare down at him. “See what?”
He waves a hand at his still clothed lower body.
Huffing out an exasperated sigh, I give his side a poke. “Your face was up in my pussy.”
His lips compress into a thin line. “That was different,” he argues. His mouth relaxes as he smiles. “You’re gorgeous, and your pussy is divine. Me?” He lets out a humorless chuckle. “There’s not much attractive about atrophied muscles and pale skinny legs.”
I haven’t seen him fully naked yet and perhaps he has a point that it might not be the sexiest thing. Still, it doesn’t matter. “Maybe not, but I’m not only attracted to your body.”
“Thank heavens for small favors.” He smirks, and like that he’s back to his old self again. “It must be my amazing personality that you’re attracted to.”
I reach out and tap his still hard nipple. “Stop. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
He shrugs and pushes up on his elbows. “I’ve been called an asshole enough to know it’s not all in my head.”
“You could try being nicer.”
Thick dark brows arch up. “Or people could try to stop being jerks.”
Hard to argue with that. “You have a point.” I flop back down on the mattress. “Okay, you go get cleaned up and I’ll just lay here all alone in your big bed.”
Leaning over me, his smirk twists into a grin. “I’ll hurry back, I promise,” he says before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
He wiggles and scoots his way to the edge of the bed and gets into his wheelchair.
I reach down and tug the covers over my naked body and close my eyes while I wait for him to come back.
On the way to the bathroom, I grab a pair of pajama bottoms from a dresser drawer along with a plain t-shirt and make my way into the bathroom.
I clean up and get dressed as quickly as I can, my body feeling energized and sluggish in a way only a good orgasm can cause. I’m still in awe that Alice is in my bed and that she touched me the way she did.
Her tangy flavor is heavy on my tongue, and I’m loathed to brush my teeth or rinse my mouth out and lose that. With real regret, I wipe my face down and quickly swish some mouthwash before returning to Alice.
“Bathroom is all yours,” I say, wheeling over to the bed.
Silence greets me and I see her face, peaceful and relaxed, turned to the side and snuggled into the pillow. She’s fast asleep.
Watching her sleep doubt digs into me. She looks so young and beautiful with her hair spread out on my pillow, like an angel.