Pushing aside the sick feeling that’s been in my gut since my run-in with Christina, I answer the phone. “Hello, Winnie.”

“Reed! Garfield Ink wants my book!”

I no longer have to force my voice to sound cheerful as I congratulate her. “Winnie, that’s wonderful! Did they send over a contract? As your attorney, I’m more than happy to look it over for you before you sign.”

Her happy giggles make my chest constrict and my gaze goes to the ring box sitting on the passenger seat beside me.

“They did! I’m sure it’s a pretty standard contract, but if you would look it over, that would be great. I don’t understand half the legal jargon on there.”

“Oh, Winnie, I knew you could do it.”

“Thank you, Reed.” The line goes silent for a few beats and then she says, “I’m sorry to be bothering you at work. Thank you for answering.”

“You never bother me,” I force out. “In fact, why don’t you put on something as gorgeous as you and we go out to dinner to celebrate?”

“Or after work, you could come here, and we could both get naked to celebrate.”

My throat goes dry at the image her words paint, but my cock doesn’t even twitch. Swallowing hard, I unclench my hands from the steering wheel. “Why don’t we try dinner first?”

“Whatever you want, handsome, I’ll see you after five.”

“Yes, I’ll see you then.”

Staring straight ahead at the open door of my empty garage, I slowly pull in and then sit in my SUV for a long time after the door smoothly shuts behind me.



When Reed arrives, I can’t contain my excitement and leap into his arms, planting my lips on his and kissing him as I wind my legs and arms around him.

He’s stiff for a moment before his mouth softens and then he’s kissing me back, his tongue licking hotly at mine.

When I got the news about my book being accepted, I screamed and then immediately reached for the phone. He was the first person I thought to share my news with.

Not my dad, not Mimi, or even any of my handful of friends or my online writer buddies. It was Reed.

And that’s when I realize I’m done hiding the truth of my feelings. I love him. And maybe he isn’t there yet, but surely he has to feel something for me.

The smell of roses drift around me and that’s when the slightly scratchy sensation at my back registers that it’s from the bouquet of roses still clutched in Reed’s hand.

“You got me flowers,” I sigh happily, running my nose along the underside of his jaw, loving the scrape of his whiskers against my skin. He’ll shave first thing in the morning, but by evening his beard has already popped through and I don’t know why, but I find it so sexy.

Actually, I find everything about this man sexy. “Let’s skip dinner,” I say, nipping at his neck as the scent of his cologne invades my nose.

With a growl, Reed carries me into the bedroom. I’m wiggling in his arms and tossing my top as we go. By the time he lowers me to the bed, my bra is undone and I’m flinging it to the side and shimming out of my skirt and bright blue panties.

Reed’s blue eyes practically glow as his gaze roams over my naked body. He drops the flowers, his fingers trembling as he works to remove his clothes.

Standing, I go to him, making quick work of the small buttons of his shirt. Pushing the fine material of his blue shirt off his shoulders, I run my hands along his tight undershirt, feeling his muscles twitching under my caress.

I flick my tongue along the harden point of his nipple pressing through his undershirt and reach for his belt. Heat flares in my core as I undo his leather belt and open his pants. Slipping my hand inside his pants and boxers, his warm cock expands at my touch. My fingers grab his growing girth and rub along its familiar contours.

I’m no expert when it comes to dicks, but Reed has a very nice one. Something I’ve been too shy to vocalize, though I think my moans as he fucks me might give him a hint.

Crouching, I pull his smooth length out of the opening in his boxers and kiss the thick crown before running my tongue along it. He’s not fully hard yet, but I know we can get him there with the right amount of licking and sucking.

I take him in my mouth and hum at the warm male taste of him. In the weeks we’ve been together, I’ve gotten quite good at giving him head and I love what I can do to him.