“I wasn’t expecting that either. I thought I’d have to wait until tonight to see you. Did you like the flowers?”

“You sent flowers? What about jewelry?” a stern voice intones from behind us.

Guiltily, I look over at Reed’s grandmother and my Mimi. In my excitement at seeing Reed, I almost forgot about them.

“The flowers were lovely,” Mimi speaks up. “Daisies and roses, a beautiful and meaningful combination.”

A bit of color spots Reed’s pale cheeks. “Oh, I didn’t realize that. I just knew Winnie liked daisies and roses seemed natural to send as well.” His blue eyes catch and hold on mine as we share a smile.

“Daisies for new beginnings and roses for love and passion,” Mimi supplies.

“Guess you did well, after all, Reed,” his grandmother states with a satisfied smirk on her thin lips. The multitude of glittering charms on her bracelets jiggle as she gestures to an empty table for four. “We were coming for some tea. Sandra, you and your granddaughter should join us.”

It might be a suggestion or possibly a command; the way it’s delivered makes it hard to tell.

Looking over at Mimi, she gives me a quick smile and grabs her cane. Hurrying over, I get our mugs of tea and transfer them to the new table.

Reed’s grandmother Elliot takes her seat and waits for both me and Mimi to sit before she shoos Reed away with a wave of her hand. “Get a few cookies as well. Can’t have tea without cookies.”

The moment Reed turns his back, Elliot leans over to Mimi. “I knew it would all work out!” she proclaims in a delighted voice. “Reed is thoroughly smitten. What about your granddaughter?”

Mimi’s brown eyes widen and helplessly roll my way. I suppress a laugh and take a quick gulp of the now cold tea. “I like him too.”

Elliot’s finely arched brown brows shoot up as her bright blue eyes, so similar to Reed’s, narrow in on me. “Like him? Why aren’t you in love with him?” she demands.

Mimi and I both gasp in surprise, though she recovers first. “Elliot! They’ve just begun to date; these things take time.”

Ignoring her friend, Elliot glares at me. “Do you know what a catch my grandson is? Dozens of women would love to be in your position.”

“Then where are these women at?” Mimi snaps. “Show me these hypothetical women. Because it seems to me your grandson is an old bachelor and lucky to have a beautiful young woman like my Winnie agreeing to give him a chance.”

My mouth drops open as my eyes volley back and forth between the two glowering seniors. I’ve never heard my Mimi raise her voice, let alone snap at another person! Not even her old neighbor when he demolished her mailbox with his snowplow.

A tray with four steaming mugs and a plate heaping with cookies upon it settles onto the table and then familiar hands land on my shoulders, giving a reassuring squeeze.

Reed’s deep voice breaks the strained silence at the table. “I know I got the better of the deal when Winnie agreed to go out with me. And I’m thankful to you both for setting us up. ”

Both grandmothers beam at Reed, but his gaze is for me alone.

Sitting beside me, Reed holds my hand cradled in his throughout the visit. I’m certain my face is bright pink the entire twenty minutes we sit there and chat. Or rather, as Elliot chats. She does most of the talking, throwing out tidbits from some of Reed’s past cases and then reminiscing about her own days as a district attorney.

I have a hard time picturing this tiny woman as a ball-busting lawyer, but the sharp edge to her voice reminds me that she wasn’t always a white-haired grandmother.

Elliot insists Reed walks me out and with Mimi beaming and waving me on, we give our grandmothers hugs and goodbyes and head out to the parking lot.

At my car, Reed’s hands cup my face, his thumbs skimming along my cheeks. “I was counting down the hours until I could see you again and here you are,” he murmurs.

“You never answered my text.”

Leaning down, his nose bumps against mine. “I did. I guess you just didn’t see it yet.”

“Oh.” Angling my head, I brush my lips against his, sighing softly when his lips part.

Slowly, I swept my tongue into his mouth. Normally, he’s been the one to initiate our kisses. I rather like the fact that he’s currently letting me take the lead and go at my own pace.

Stroking the inside of his mouth, I explore, tasting the tea and cookies along with the mint that usually flavors his kisses.

Reed’s fingers tighten briefly on my face as he shifts his big body. My hands, which had been clutching his sides, roam over the softness of his fine dress-shirt, feeling the muscles the material conceals.