I was disappointed Reed didn’t spend the night, but our relationship is so new, and no doubt he has to be at work early this morning, so it makes sense for him to leave.
Still, I would have loved to wake up with him in bed with me. The sheets smell faintly of him and of sex, which makes me grin like a fool.
It’s crazy feeling this way, I’m all giddy and excited and all from some truly amazing sex.
Okay, more than just the sex. Everything about Reed makes me feel giddy.
When my doorbell buzzes before ten, I suspiciously peek through the door’s tiny peephole and see a delivery lady holding an enormous flower arrangement.
Opening the door, I’m prepared for her to have the wrong apartment. That’s happened countless times in the two years I’ve lived here. It’s not a big deal tracking down the rightful owner of flowers, takeout, and mail, though many times it leaves me envious.
Except she’s not at the wrong apartment, and this gorgeous arrangement of daisies and pink and lavender roses is for me!
Thanking her profusely, I waddle inside with the heavy vase of flowers clutched to my chest. Once I set the vase down on my kitchen counter, I tear into the enclosed note.
I wish I could be there when you receive these but know that I’m thinking of you and smiling. Have dinner with me tonight?
The flowers are so beautiful, but the note and the knowledge that he’s feeling the same undeniable something more is what makes me teary. Like everyone I always dreamed I would get my happily ever after, but never could I have imagined it would be with a man like Reed.
Quickly, I pull out my phone and text him thank you and yes to dinner. He doesn’t respond, but I know he’s a busy man.
Eyeing up the huge collection of flowers, I start randomly plucking some out and pull one of my own, far plainer, plastic vases out from under my sink. Flowers like this should be shared and I know just the person.
Mimi’s face lights up when she opens the door to her room and sees me standing there with the vase of flowers. I brightened the plain vase up with a big purple bow that I made with some velvet fabric I had left over from one of my dresses and I think it really completes the look.
“Winnie! It’s not Tuesday.” Her eyes go to the flowers. “Oh, how lovely. Who are they for?”
“For you, silly!” I say, coming into her spacious room at the senior home. It’s not as nice as her house in the country was, but Mimi has lived here for five years now, and she’s assured me multiple times that she loves not having to do any landscaping, housekeeping, or laundry. Especially the laundry. It leaves her free to have fun with her friends, she told me once with a wink.
I place the vase on the low table next to the window overlooking the extensive gardens at the rear of the building. Standing back, I smile as she rearranges the flowers into a more aesthetically pleasing arrangement.
“Oh, look at me here fussing when I haven’t even hugged you yet,” she exclaims, whirling around and opening up her arms.
I step into her warm and fragrant embrace with a blissful sigh. Mimi always smells like lilacs and sunshine, even in the dead of winter. Her hugs are like coming home. No matter how I feel going into a hug, I always feel better afterwards.
And since I’m already in such a good mood, her hug intensifies that, and I can’t contain my joy.
“Reed is amazing!”
Pulling back, her brown eyes twinkle merrily as she eyes me up. “Oh, my! Tell me all the details.” Laughing, she pats at my arm and shakes her head, a small smile playing around her lips. “On second thought, maybe not all the details, that satisfied smile tells me enough.”
My grandmother knowing I’m having sex makes me cringe in embarrassment and I quickly shove that knowledge to the back of my mind. “Well, those flowers are just a few from the huge bouquet he sent me.”
Mimi presses her hands to her cheeks. “Oh, what a sweet man. Most men don’t send flowers anymore. I’m glad to see that some are still romantics.”
Hugging my arms around my waist to stop myself from twirling around, I sigh. “Oh he is! He took me to the beach yesterday for a picnic dinner and we walked and saw the sunset over the water.”
“Winnie, I’m so happy it’s all working out.” Reaching out, Mimi brushes some wayward of my curls away my face. “I’ll admit I had my doubts and was hesitant to set you up with him.”
Flabbergasted, my arms drop to my sides. “But Mimi, why? He’s so perfect.”
She laughs. “Well, I don’t know about all that, but I’m glad you think so. I worried he might be a bit much for you, but in the end, Elliot, that’s Reed’s grandmother, convinced me.”
Thank goodness for that! I owe Reed’s grandmother a big thanks.