“Your uncle was telling me that you were still trying to find your way. That although you studied finance at university, you are very good at writing his briefs. He thought you might go back to law school.”
Vic let out a long sigh.“He’s been trying to get me to go to law school for years. There are too many lawyers around already. There’s no need for one more. Plus, I don’t want to waste my time studying something I don’t like.”
Harris smiled.“I’m sure you’d be great at it but if you’re not into it, then I agree that’s a long time to spend studying something you don’t like. So… What do you like?”
She blinked. That was a good question.“I’m…I’m not really sure, to be honest.”
Harris nodded.“I get that. I didn’t know either. I did go to law school?—”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
He laughed.“No, no. Don’t worry about it. You’re right, therearetoo many lawyers. I do like the law, but politics is far more interesting. I love the idea that I can make a difference.”
He rambled on about why the environment was so important to him and how he hoped to affect change. Vic found herself listening with real interest. Harris was probably about thirty-six or thirty-seven. He wasn’t bad looking and he was obviously intelligent. Maybe he was someone she should seriously consider dating. Better yet, he could be an ally for the solar farm.
Where had that come from?She glanced at her drink. It was more than half gone. A bettermaybewould be to stop drinking. She glanced around the room. It wasn’t the drink, she knew. It was how lonely she was, and how desperately she missed Ryker. She had only caught glimpses of him since the morning she threw him out and every time her heart broke all over again.
“Vic!”Tracy came flying up to her and gave her a hug almost knocking her off her feet.
“I’m so glad you’re here. You look amazing!”
Tracy’s floor-length red strapless gown had a flattering sweetheart neckline.
Tracy smiled.“Thanks, so do you.”Her friend turned and stared at Harris.
“Congressman Philip Harris, this is Tracy Langham. She works with my uncle as well.”
“So nice to meet you, Tracy,”Philip said.
“Wow, it’s nice to meet you. I’m a fan.”
“Excuse me?”Harris said rather startled.
Tracy’s face flushed.“Of your bill. A fan of your environmental bill.”
Now it was Harris’s turn to flush. He was obviously pleased. Vic glanced between the two of them and decided immediately that three was a crowd. She turned and wandered away, saying a few hellos here and there but not really stopping to chat. She made eye contact with Daisy Montague across the room. She was dressed in a strapless black gown with a mermaid flair that swept the ground. She was standing next to the senator from Montana. A married man if Vic remembered correctly. She glanced at the man and then back at Daisy. The other woman gave a small shrug. So that’s how it was. She was back with her married man.
Vic found her way to a corner and stood back to watch the room. This was the last time she was going to have to do this. Was she sad? Not in the least, she decided.
“Ms. Carlyle you look lovely this evening.”
Vic turned to find Cal Wallingford standing next to her.“Mr. Wallingford. Thank you so much for coming.”
“It is my pleasure. And it’s Cal, please.”He gave her an assessing glance.“How is it that the guest of honor is over here hiding in the corner? And with an empty glass.”
She glanced down at her drink, and he was right. It was empty. How did that happen? She gave a rueful laugh.“I think we both know I’m not the guest of honor.”
“Davis said you were smart. I’m guessing he doesn’t realize just how right he is.”He gave her the once over.“You are stunning, I must say.”
Sudden heat danced up her neck and into her cheeks. She blinked. He was looking at her like…like he wanted to…bed her. That couldn’t be right. She glanced at her glass. How strong was that drink?
She gave herself a mental admonition to focus.“Thank you. So do you have any plans for the rest of the summer?”she asked as she placed her empty glass on a tray as a waiter passed by.
Wallingford cocked an eyebrow at her.“Well now, nothing solid. Why? Did you have something in mind?”
She blinked.“Er, what? No! I…that is I was just wondering.”He was flirting with her. He was at least twenty years her senior. He was good-looking and everything but seriously?
He shifted his weight forward and she took a step back only to realize she was up against a column. He moved in closer.“I thought I might spend some time at my place on Martha’s Vineyard. Have you been?”