Lazlo paused.
"What is it?"Ryker didn't have time for this now.
"It's just,"Lazlo started,"you didn't call the cops. The guys are… I'm wondering about it."
Ryker finished tying his shoes and put his shoulder holster back on. He knew this was coming."If I had called the cops, the attempted assassination of a sitting US Senator would be all over D.C. Many agencies would be involved, and the world would know the senator's business. We would also lose any ability to control the situation. I have made some calls and spoken to some people. The FBI is aware of the situation, and they've agreed that handling itquietlyis best for the senatorat the moment. If that changes, there's no doubt they'll arrive en mass."Ryker rushed down the stairs and headed to the door.
"The FBI knows?"The doubt in Lazlo's voice was palpable.
"Yes. I spoke with Deputy Director Liotta myself. We're on the same page. Tell that to themen,if you want. We want this to be kept as quiet as possible. Tell them not to discuss it."
"Okay, no problem. I'm on it.I'll send you a copy of Vic's schedule for todayas well."
"Thanks,"Ryker saidandhung upasheentered his garage.He got back into his Porsche and called Archer.
"What now?"Archer answered.
Ryker tried to keep the bite out of hisownvoice."I had to tell Lazlo that I spoke to Liottaandhe's okay with us keeping the attempt on Davis's life quiet."
"Understood. I will reach out and keep Liotta informed."That was it. Archer was gone.
Ryker let all the air out of his lungs. Some days this job sucked. He shifted gears and went around the car ahead of him. His phone rang. Lazlo again."What?"Ryker growled.
"Davis has just decided he wants to work from home for the rest of the day."
"Son of a b…."Ryker pulled a U-turn and headed toward the house."Fine. You and Melvin escort him. I'll meet you there."
"Roger that."Lazlo hung up.
Ofcoursethat frigging prick wanted to work from home. How can you say someone tried to kill me without saying it? Work from home and make your niece go out and parrot the standardIcan neither confirm nor denythat it happened. D.C. would be buzzing with news by dinner time. He could only hopepowerfulpeople didn't start asking questions…because he had no answers. Yet. But he would. The soonerthebetter.
* * *
"Cal, good to hear from you,"Davis said in his thickest drawl."I appreciate you checkin' in. No, no, I'm just fine."He paused."Well, I can't go into details, but my people are workin' on gettin' to the heart of the matter. And thanks again forrecommendin'Ryker Sterling. He's come in real handy."
Ryker couldn't takeanymoreso he walked out of the study and went to the kitchen. Martha offered him a coffee and a cookie. He took both and then went in and sat down on the couch in the office he'd claimed as his. He was tired and wired all at the same time.
Flipping open his laptop, he looked at the schedule and tweaked a few things."Ryker,"Lazlo said as he entered the office with Tonydirectlybehind him.
"What have you got?"Ryker asked as he popped the last of the cookie in his mouth.
Tony shook his head."I've been through all the video footage from last night, and I cannot find how this guy got in through the bathroom window."
Ryker scratched his chin."He had to have climbed up there somehow. Drainpipe, probably, since we didn't find a ladder."
"I'm saying he's not on the camera. Fullstop. We would've seen him if he shimmied up the drainpipe. Also, how the hell did he get that far without us seeing him come across the lawn? The whole backyard is covered by the cameras. We checked every single angle. He would've had to come by the pool at some point and there is nothing on the security feed anywhere."
Lazlo, who leaned against the door with his arms crossed, sighed."I thought maybe someone had screwed with the video feeds. But I got nothing on that either. I've looked at it every way I can, but I got nothing. They weren't tampered with."
Ryker nodded thoughtfully. He'd sent some of the camera feed from around the time of the break-in to one of Archer's computer nerds. He hadn't heard back yet. Would they find the same thing? He hoped not. If they found the video hadbeen altered,then at leastthey'd have an explanation. For now, it remained a mystery.
"Okay,"he said."I want you to run through the security video one more time. Go back twenty-four hours. Longer, if you need to. There will be something on one of the cameras. Something that stands out or just doesn't fit in. You'll know it when you see it. Come find me when you do."
Tony nodded andheaded out ofthe room.Lazlo watched him go."There's something we're missing."He turned back to Ryker.
"Agreed."He still didn't trust Lazlo.The man sometimes seemed on board with Ryker taking the leadandyetother timesheexchanged secret looks with Davis.If he weren't sure Davis was straight, he'd wonder if the two were having an affair.
Ryker took a sip of coffee."There's a lot we don't know. We have bits and pieces, but not enough to see the whole puzzle. At least not yet."