Page 8 of Locked Down

Davis narrowed his eyes slightly.“Yes, that would be fine, Joyce.”The phone rang and he hit the button again putting the call on speaker.“Cal, how are you?”His drawl was thicker now.“I have you on speakerphone.”

“Austin, so sorry I missed your call earlier. I was doing my laps. I like to get my swim in before I hit the office. What can I do for you?”

“Well, Cal, I just wanted to apologize for my niece. She was out of line the other night at the fundraiser. I am just so sorry she bothered you, tellin’ you all that nonsense about me needin’ more security. I swear girls today aren’t like they used to be. My momma had her own shotgun and took care of the whole ranch when Daddy was away on business.”

Once again, Ryker didn’t think Austin could go any lower in his estimation, but the man seemed to have no limit to how misogynistic he could be.

“Well, Austin, she was very upset, and to be honest, I can’t say I blame her. You know you’re all she has left. She was quite adamant about that. You should take it as a compliment. The young woman obviously cares deeply about you.”

Ryker tried not to smile when Davis had to recalculate quickly.“And I care about her. So blessed to have her in my life. But she’s a bit of a worrier and she shouldn’t have bothered you with it.”

“Nonsense. She was right to come to me and her concerns are valid. You know, Austin, you need to be careful. You’re one of Washington’s elite. A position like yours doesn’t come without making a few enemies. It sounds like someone is out to shorten your lifespan. You need top-of-the-line security to make sure nothing tragic happens. It would be a damn shame, not just for me personally, but for the nation.”

Davis gave a self-deprecating chuckle.“Cal, you flatter me.”

“It’s all true. Are you meeting with Ryker today?”

“He’s here with me now.”

“Ryker, thanks again for following up so quickly,”Cal said.“I owe you dinner. Call me next week and we’ll set something up.”

“Yes, sir. I look forward to it.”Ryker tried not to smile.

Wallingford continued, directing his conversation back to Davis.“Ryker is one of the best, Austin. I have entrusted my life to his company on many occasions. He has consulted with the elite here in Washington for quite a few years now. If I were you, I would bring him in and get him to assess my security and make changes where necessary. It will put your niece’s mind at ease and tighten your security. Neither one of those is a bad thing.”

“Well Cal, I appreciate your candor and your concern. I’ll chat with Ryker and let you get back to your day. Thanks so much for callin’ back.”Davis hung up.

Ryker fought to keep his expression impassive. Wallingford had come through in spades, as Ryker knew he would. None of what the man said was a lie, but he also knew Wallingford despised Davis. However, Cal Wallingford was a pragmatist. He’d butter up whomever he needed to get what he wanted. The thing he wanted most was to rid the world of the extremists on both sides of the aisle. Wallingford was a rare breed these days, a centrist all the way.

Austin steepled his fingers under his chin.“I have to say, I’m surprised that Archer lets you do outside work. I thought everything you did was Lock and Key business.”

Ryker cocked an eyebrow.“Who says it isn’t? Running the security at the Lock and Key Society sometimes means doing things outside of the physical locations. It’s always in our best interests to look after members and, as I mentioned, in certain circumstances, some non-members like Cal.”

“He certainly gave you a glowing recommendation, but I have to say I’m not so keen to have the Society so enmeshed in my business.”

Ryker nodded. His legs twitched with the need to get up and walk right the hell out of there, but he’d promised Archer to do his best. So, he continued,“I can understand your hesitance, but as a Society member my services will be a fraction of the true cost and it would give you access to many Society benefits that you would not normally have access to, through me, of course.”

“Such as?”Austin asked.

“I will personally do all research required to clear every person you come in contact with. I will provide a dossier on anyone you wish to engage with in a meaningful way. It also means more access to Archer.”It meant no such thing, but Ryker instinctively knew that if he offered Archer on speed dial, Davis would be more likely to agree. It didn’t hurt that it would piss Archer off either. Ryker wasn’t above a little revenge for being given this assignment.

Davis’s eyes lit up at the mention of Archer.“What would hiring you entail?”

Triumphant, Ryker offered only a small smile.“As Cal said, my primary function is to assess your security and make the necessary changes to keep you as safe as possible. You wouldn’t be the first politician to hire extra security. I would need full access to everything in your world and you would have to direct your current security to do as I say. I would stay hands-on; meaning I’d be part of your daily security detail for as long as it takes to implement changes and tweak as needed. After three months, we reassess and see where we are in the process. As a Society member, my fees will be a fraction of what Cal pays. I have sent you an email that has the‘friends and family’fee structure.”

Davis scoffed.“That sounds an awful lot like you’re comin’ in and takin’ over. I don’t think my boys will like that. I’m not sure I’d like that either. Archer has too big of a reach as it is.”

The accent was back. Funny how he turned it on and off.“Yes, I am essentially coming in and taking over and, no, your people will not like it. I will be their new boss. That does tend to ruffle feathers. The point is to make you as safe as possible. Your safety must be priority one. If they get their noses out of joint and don’t want to work with me, then I would suggest your safety is not their top priority. Archer will not be involved. He has a hands-off policy when it comes to Sterling Security. His only concern will be that I am doing my best to keep you safe.”

Davis leaned back in his chair and Ryker knew he wasn’t buying the bit about Archer staying out of things. Not much could be done about that. Ryker could only do so much.

Davis leaned forward again.“And what if no adjustments are necessary? What if my people are already doin’ a bang-up job?”

“They’re not.”

“Just how do you know that?”Davis demanded. His voice was soft, but Ryker knew many would find it menacing.

“Look under your desk,”Ryker said, maintaining eye contact with Davis.