Vic turned back.“I’ll explain everything, Marilee, just come on.”She reached for the other woman’s arm but Marilee had started to run, tripped over her gown, and went down on the pavers.
“Shit,”Vic yelped. She tried to go back but Ryker wouldn’t let her go. He knew it was too late. They wouldn’t make it outside the range of the glass in time. There just wasn’t enough time. He picked Vic up and carried her to the corner.
Dragan and Archer cursed at the same time.“Run,”Archer bellowed. He, Dragan, and the Callahan brothers raced into the ballroom through the door closest to the fountain. Marilee was struggling to get up, but yelped and grabbed her ankle. There was nothing Ryker could do for her now. He pulled Vic into the corner between the end wall and the last door to the ballroom and made her crouch down.“Marilee,”she said but he shook his head. Then he kissed her before he covered her with his body as best he could as the explosion rocked the hotel.
The glass wall next to them disintegrated inwards and flooded the thankfully empty ballroom. Plants flew in all directions and Ryker let out a grunt when he was hit by flying debris. It rained dirt and metal and wood for what seemed like an hour.
And then Ryker’s ears were ringing in the deafening, morbid silence. He blinked. He moved his arms and flexed his toes in his shoes. He had use of all his limbs. Slowly, he unfolded himself from around Vic.
“Vic?”She was curled in a ball, her face pressed into the building.
“Vic, honey?”he said louder.
Maybe she couldn’t hear him. He ran his hands quickly over her body, but she didn’t appear to be seriously injured. There were a few cuts on her arms and back, but they were minor.
“Invicta, open your eyes,”he demanded as icy fingers closed around his heart.
He’d been too late. He should’ve evacuated the hotel earlier. He’d failed in his job. Failed in everything. His fucking stupid hesitation had gotten the love of his life killed.
“Please, please open your eyes, Vic.Please.”
Her eyelids fluttered and then opened. She turned slowly and looked at him.“Ryker?”she breathed.
“Thank you, God,”he muttered as he pulled her into his arms again. He kissed her hair and then her cheeks.“Are you okay?”
She nodded slowly.“I think so.”She looked up at him and then kissed him on the mouth.“Thank you for saving my life.”
He said nothing merely squeezed her tightly. He didn’t think he could speak at that moment. He was swallowing a huge lump of fear and relief.
Finally, he eased back.“Do you think you can stand?”
She nodded so he slowly pulled her to her feet. She leaned on him and looked around.“Oh, my God. This is… Marilee?”she asked as her eyes flew to his face, but he shifted to block her view. He didn’t need to look to know Marilee was dead. She’d been way too close to the blast radius to survive. He merely shook his head.
Vic staggered and Ryker immediately swept her up into his arms. He then made his way across the ballroom where firemen were flooding in through the doors. Rush and Cash were right behind them.
“Thank fuck you’re alive,”Rush said.
“I second that,”Cash agreed.
“You, too. Is everyone okay?”Ryker asked.
“All accounted for,”Archer said as he approached.“The Callahans are fine as well. A few cuts and scrapes but nothing major. Any other casualties?”he asked glancing at Vic, who had her face turned into Ryker’s shoulder.
“Marilee didn’t make it.”
Archer swore.“I heard that one of the waitstaff is in critical condition but that’s it. Everything else is minor.”
“Good news.”Ryker started walking out of the ballroom. There were EMTs in the lobby. He gestured to one who brought over a gurney. He set Vic down on top of it, but she refused to let go of his neck.
“I don’t want to go to the hospital.”
“You need to be checked over, Vic.”
“So do you,”she growled.“Come with me.”
Rush nodded.“She’s right.”Ryker shot him a hard look.“Ryker,”he said quietly so Vic couldn’t hear,“your back is a mess. You need medical attention.”
Ryker glanced at Archer, who gave a curt nod, but then his cell phone rang. Ryker turned back to Vic.“I have to go deal with your uncle. He’s in the other room still.”