Page 7 of Locked Down

She wasn’t going into the details with Joyce. Her uncle wasn’t pleased and she didn’t need this to blow up in her face any more than it already had. No reason to give Joyce any more ammunition. The woman was creative in coming up with ways to undermine Vic as it was. Vic had tried to extend an olive branch a few times. Offers of help, or lunch, but Joyce only ever rebuffed her.

“Well, he’s here.”

“What?”She glanced at her watch. It was only seven-fifty. He was early. That would impress her uncle. Too bad he’d already made his mind up and the whole thing was moot.“He’s early.”She stood and followed Joyce towards the elevators. She got there just as the doors slid open.

Ryker Sterling was even better looking than she remembered, and she wasn’t sure how that was possible. She swallowed.“Mr. Sterling.”She offered her hand and he took it, totally engulfing hers in his grip.“Nice to see you,”she murmured.“Come right this way and I’ll let my unc…Senator Davis know that you’re here.”She walked him over to the waiting area in front of Joyce’s desk.“Can I get you some coffee? Or water?”

“No, thank you.”He stood and seemed to be taking stock of the surroundings. She walked over and knocked quietly on her uncle’s door.

“Enter,”her uncle called.

She opened the door and entered, closing the door behind her with a quiet click. She stood just inside the office.“Mr. Sterling is here.”

Her uncle looked at the clock and gave a brief nod of approval. His gaze met hers.“Show him in.”Nodding at her uncle, she turned to go.“And, Invicta, I meant what I said.”

She glanced back over her shoulder.“Yes, sir.”Her heart slammed against her ribs, making the words come out with a staccato beat. The look he gave her made the warning seem more like a threat. She bit her lip and pulled open the door. It was official. She was afraid of her uncle.


Ryker noted how pale Invicta had become as she exited the office. Her light brown hair, pulled back into a haphazard bun with several blond tendrils hanging loose around her face, only served to make her skin look paler. Her big hazel eyes held fear in their depths. There was a tremor in her hands as well. If he had to guess, he’d say she was terrified. Just what the hell had her uncle said to her?

Austin Davis was a grade-A butthole. A complete and utter douchebag as far as Ryker was concerned. He encouraged the far right to do stupid things that weren’t in their best interest but either made him look good or his enemies look bad. Ryker detested men like Davis. They used their intelligence and power to manipulate the weak. Make them believe stuff that was a lie, or worse, a conspiracy theory. But this was a job. Archer had asked for his help, and Ryker would do whatever it took.

“Senator Davis will see you now,”she said demurely but refused to meet his gaze.

Not a good sign. He suspected he’d have to work some magic to make this happen. Archer was counting on him. He thanked her and followed her into the office.

“Mr. Ryker Sterling,”she said and then promptly left the room, closing the door behind her.

Ryker walked across the office, his shoes sinking into the plush gray carpet. He halted in front of an ornate desk made of some fancy wood he knew would be expensive. The walls were done in a soft tone somewhere between gray and beige and paintings had been hung in nearly every available space. Ryker figured they were expensive, but he had no idea who any of the artists were. There was a seating area behind him with a couch and two chairs all done in a beige tone with brown and gray throw pillows. The wall to his left was floor-to-ceiling glass. A showpiece that provided a view of the city with the Potomac in the distance. The office screamedlook at how successful and fantastic I am. To Ryker it saidlook here, I’m a target.

“Senator Davis,”he said and extended his hand.

Austin Davis rose from his desk and took the proffered hand.“Ryker.”

Ryker was careful to modulate his squeeze so it matched Davis’s but didn’t overdo it. He could crush the man into the ground, no sweat, but that wouldn’t get him hired.

Davis pointed to the man seated across from him.“This is my assistant, Floyd Armstrong.”The other man stood, and they shook.

Armstrong was shorter than Ryker and had a runner’s physique. His brown eyes were too close to his nose and reminded Ryker of a hamster. His close-cropped, dark-blond hair had begun to gray at the temples, so Ryker revised his age upwards from mid-thirties to early forties.

Davis gestured to the chair behind Ryker to indicate he should have a seat. They both sat. Then Davis turned to Armstrong.“Floyd, please check with Joyce about the luncheon for the orphans next week. I want to show up late and leave early.”

Armstrong looked like he was about to protest being asked to leave but after a pointed look from Davis, the other man did as he was bid, closing the door behind him. Davis leaned back in his chair.“Imagine my surprise when Invicta added you to my calendar this morning. She seems to think you have your own security firm.”

“I do. Sterling Security is my company. I do security work for Society members outside of the Society locations on occasion as well as for non-members in certain circumstances. I was surprised to get a call from Cal about you. You didn’t mention to anyone in the Society that someone is trying to kill you. I’m sure I would have heard about it if you had.”

Austin waved a dismissive hand.“My niece overreacted to a small incident. You know how these young fillies can be. She made a mountain out of a molehill.”He let out a sigh as if he was long-suffering.

Ryker didn’t think it was possible to have a lower opinion of this man, but his dislike for the man rose exponentially. He remained silent. Let Davis fill the dead air.

“She just wasn’t thinkin’ when she spoke to Wallingford. It was kind of him to send you over, but unnecessary. I am perfectly fine, and my security is top-notch.”

Ryker had a decision to make. He’d been hoping that Invicta,and what the hell kind of name was that? had done her job and convinced Davis before he got there. Since that wasn’t the case, he was going to have to fall back on plan B.

The phone on the desk buzzed and Davis hit a button.“Yes, Joyce?”

“I have Mr. Wallingford on the line. Would you like to take the call?”