Page 69 of Locked Down

“But what do we do long term? I can get Vic out of here now and we can change the will, but Davis is still going to end up being Vice President.”

“One thing at a time. Let’s just get this damn night sorted first, and we’ll go from there. I have a few ideas about the other issue.”Archer put his hands on the bar.“Find Vic and tell her everything. I’ll get Hawk up here and we’ll write up a new will. Ask her who she wants to leave her worldly goods to. Hawk’s one of the best lawyers in New York and will make sure all the right verbiage is in there, so all she has to do is sign.”

Ryker stood and headed toward the door. He paused with his hand on the knob. Glancing back over his shoulder he said,“If I get a chance to kill the bastard without getting caught, I’m taking it.”Archer stared at him but then gave him a hint of a nod. He finally had the green light. Now all he needed was the opportunity. As he headed toward the elevator, he promised himself he would create the opportunity. After all, as Davis was so fond of saying,‘God helps those who help themselves.’His lips curled into a cold smile.


“Invicta, you are a vision,”Philip Harris said as she entered the ballroom.

She offered him a smile.“Thank you, Congressman Harris.”

“Philip, please,”he said as he came forward and offered her a glass of champagne.

Taking the glass, Vic said a few hellos to several guests and continued to stand there with a big fake smile plastered on her face. She wanted to go further into the room and, well, disappear into the crowd but she’d been instructed to stand at the doorway for a few minutes. She was so close to freedom, at this point it made no sense to balk at her uncle’s orders. She wasn’t going to jeopardize her chances by drawing attention—or should she sayany moreattention to herself.

Austin had ostensibly gotten a last minute phone call and needed her to wait for him but, in reality, his distraction was all planned. It didn’t matter that this was her thirtieth birthday, it was reallyhisparty, andhewas the guest of honor.

Silence rang for a moment when the band stopped playing, and Austin Davis entered the room, sweeping his arm around Vic and walking her toward the middle of the ballroom, nodding, smiling, and pointing to no one in particular. He shot one guest a thumbs-up and Vic wanted to reach out and break that thumb right off his tiny little hand. The crowd broke into applause which made Vic want to vomit. This would be what it was like from now on. Her uncle forever the center of attention, and people fawning over him the entire time.

Come to think of it, nothing would be different except maybe the level of fawning. Ah well, it wasn’t something she had to worry about. She was out of here as soon as the party was over. She was catching a late-night flight to Dallas.

“Invicta, darling, you look wonderful,”Marilee said as she planted an air kiss by each cheek.

“Thank you, Marilee, as do you.”And she did. The older woman had on a black, floor-length gown that hugged her figure. She’d opted for amethyst jewelry, no doubt to match in the pictures. The only thing marring the look was the anger snapping in Marilee’s eyes. Vic was sure most people wouldn’t notice, but after spending all that time with her on the lead-up to this debacle, she now recognized it, and she was pretty sure she knew who caused it. Austin had been ignoring Marilee all day. He even told her he would meet her at the party instead of picking her up. It was the height of meanness after all she’d done.

“The room looks beautiful.”The whole ballroom was done in white with deep purple accents. Each centerpiece of white roses was adorned with three purple ones in the center. The purple sashes on the chairs made lovely accents over the white covers and the choice of her own purple dress meant that she matched everything perfectly.“It was all your doing and it’s marvelous,”Vic said as she squeezed Marilee’s hands.

The older woman focused on her and gave her a genuine smile.“I must say, Vic, I have enjoyed getting to know you over the last few weeks. You are an amazing young woman and I wish only good things for you.”

Vic gave Marilee a hug. It was the first really nice thing the woman had said to her, and she knew Marilee truly meant it.“Thank you. I wish the same for you.”

“Now, I’m going to play your mother for a second and give you some advice. Don’t drink too much, don’t smile too much, and don’t say yes to anything.”

Vic laughed.“Sounds good.”

Marilee added,“And don’t spill anything on your dress, we still have to take the pictures by the fountain. We’ll do it just after midnight so it’s actually your birthday.”

Vic started to comment when Austin called,“Marilee, honey.”

The snap of his fingers, like Marilee was nothing more than a faithful dog, instantly infuriated Vic. After a brief tightening of her lips, Marilee let go of Vic and walked away. So much for caring. Vic gave a mental shrug. She couldn’t blame the woman really. She’d worked so hard for this chance and Austin wasn’t playing fair. Vic made her way over to the bar and set down her champagne glass. The bartender glanced up at her and offered a smile.“What can I get you? Another glass of champagne?”

“I’ll have an old fashioned please.”She was done with the niceties.

“Coming right up.”

She scanned the room via the mirror over the bar as she waited. The bartender returned with her drink, and as she took her drink from the bartender, Phillip Harris sidled up to her.

“Vic,”Philip Harris said as he stood too close to her.“I lost you in the crowd.”

“Philip,”she said.

“I’ll have what she’s having,”he called out to the bartender and shot her a smile.“So, what are your plans?”

Her heart rate ticked up in her chest. Did he know something? Did her uncle know she was leaving?“Plans?”She kept her voice vague as she glanced around to find Austin. He was still in the middle of the room surrounded by his admirers.

“For the next year.”Philip grabbed his drink and then took her by the hand and led her to a quieter spot.“Have you made any decisions/”

As inconspicuously as possible, she extracted her hand from his.“Decisions about what?”Now she was truly alarmed. What did this man know?