Page 33 of Locked Down

Tracy lifted her mug."I'm good."

Vic nodded, grabbed her purse, and walked to the elevator. She hit the button and then turned toward Joyce.Shereallyshould be nicer to the woman, orat leastmore tolerant."Would you like anything from the coffee shop downstairs?"

Joyce looked up from her computer with a suspicious glare."No,"she snapped and went back to her screen.

So much for being nice.Theelevator doors opened, andshestepped into the car. The ride to the lobby was short and blissfully quiet. She entered the coffee shop only to find a line. She cursed silently and took her spot.

"Morning,"a voice said.

She turned to find Ryker standing behind her.Heat filled her cheeks once againalthough,she wasn't sure if it was more from embarrassment or anger.Shewas pissedat how he'd left things yesterday. Howhe'dleft.It didn't matter how much she tried to be the bigger person andjustaccept it; the whole thing sucked.She had been humiliated by his abrupt departure. She was determined to keep him at a distance from here on out.

"Morning,"she said and then turned back around.

"You left without waiting for a ride."

She glanced back at him."It's fine. I took the bus."

"I thought we agreed you weren't going to take public transportation until further notice."His eyes glitteredandshe suddenly realized he was pissed. Like…wellandtrulypissed at her.Welcome to the club.

She shrugged."No one was downstairs when I came out, so I caught the bus."

He lowered his mouth near her ear."What if those other men had been there? What then?"

His voice and the heat of his breath sent minuscule electrical shockwaves across her skin. Her nipples hardened. She gritted her teeth and gave him a fake smile."They were there. They waved. I waved back and got on the bus."

A pulse jumped under Ryker's jaw. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her. She held her ground, but it was damn hard. Her body reacted to him without her consent. His glower was sexy as hell when he aimed it at her.Get over it,she scolded herself.He was the one who took off yesterday. That officially let her off the hook for listening to anything he had to say. She turned back around and moved up in the line. Then she remembered her uncle and turned to face him."What happened to my uncle last night?"

Ryker cocked an eyebrow."Last night?"A pulse was still jumping in his jaw, and his eyes glittered.

She rolled her eyes."Don't bother playing coy. It's all over the office that someone broke in and made another attempt on my uncle's life."

"Where did you hear that?"he rasped.

Suddenly, butterflies took flight in her stomach. She didn't want to get anyone in trouble. Shehad a feeling he wouldn't be so forgiving if he found out Melvin had spoken about it."I have my sources,"she said much more firmly than she felt."What happened?"

Ryker dipped his chin, indicating the line had moved ahead.

She huffed out a breath and moved forward but then turned back to face him."Seriously, Ryker, what happened?"she fumed.

"I'm not at liberty to say."She opened her mouth to complain, but he held up a hand."I wouldn't discuss it here no matterwhatthe situation,"he commented.

She glanced around.Hehad a point.Probablynot the best place to discuss someone trying to kill her uncle.

"But,"he continued,"I can't speak about it anyway. It's part of an ongoing investigationandI can't comment on your uncle's security."

She narrowed her eyes at him."But I brought you on. Surelyyoucan trust me with the details."

"Sorry. I would need express permission from your uncle to tell you anything."

"What about the police and the FBI? Will they be in this morning to talk to everyone?"

The pulse along Ryker's jaw quickened."I'm sorry, but I can'treallytalk about it."

Ryker didn't look sorry. He looked…annoyed. Like yesterday didn't happen. Like they hadn't had the best sex of her life. Hewas shutting her out. She'd brought him on board, and he was shutting her out.Fucking fine.

She turned back around, determined to ignore him.

She approached the counter and ordered a chai tea latte.