Page 2 of Locked Down

Archer continued. “Davis thought that Asad Najeddine would end up with your seat, so it was fine. They are of a similar mindset. When you stepped up for the seat, it put a crimp in his plans. Then he lost once again when you and I helped elect Tatum Wellington to the board instead of Eli Fisher. Davis was very upset about that, and the man holds a grudge.

“To be blunt, I do think you are in danger, Remington,”Archer said.“Davis can’t do anything yet in terms of challenging you. It’s too soon and the others on the board would balk but in six months, who knows? He might try for your seat again. Your key holds the most power. Outside of mine that is.”

“What do you plan on doing about this? If you know Davis is responsible for Remy’s grandfather’s death, why is he walking around unscathed? I thought the board was protected?”Hawk demanded.

“They are, and you’re right. I failed when it came to Remington’s grandfather. I have no proof he was murdered by Davis. Arthur admitted to the killing but would not say who put him up to it. I doubt I will ever have the proof needed to link Davis to your grandfather’s death but, no disrespect, Remington, that is the least of my worries.”Archer heaved a breath.“Davis is somehow privy to things that are happening within the Society, things he should know nothing about. He is using that information to amass more power, both within the society and outside of it.”

“What do you want from us?”Hawk asked.

“As much as it pains me to admit, I need help figuring out what exactly Davis is up to and how he’s getting the information he seems to have. I have asked my staff,”he nodded towards Ryker,“to keep their eyes and ears open and collect any information about what Davis is doing. But you recently joined the society. People will be tolerant if you ask questions. They won’t be so tolerant if I have others do it. If I do it, then…”

“Then you’re admitting there’s a problem,”Hawk supplied.


Remy tucked a hair behind her ear.“I’m flattered that you are trusting us with this, Archer.”

“He’s trusting us because we’re new and couldn’t possibly be mixed up in anything yet,”Hawk pointed out.“If we’d been here a while, I doubt he’d be so forthcoming.”

Archer’s smile was frosty.“Indeed.”

No flies on Hawk. Ryker liked him, even though he was a former SEAL. The man understood the game. Always good to have someone on board who got how things worked without having to be told.“Do you know Davis’s end game?”

All eyes turned to him.

“No,”Archer responded,“and what his plan might be is a significant worry. One person has already decided to leave the board. They refused to say what happened, just that Davis was involved. They would rather take themselves out of the equation than acquiesce to him.”

Remy frowned.“That doesn’t sound good. What could he possibly have asked them to do?”

“Unclear. But the fact it happened is disturbing.”Archer leaned forward.“You need to understand, your key makes you the strongest vote on the board, but you can be outvoted. If everyone votes against you… what they want stands.”

Hawk asked“What’s the split? How many votes does Remy’s key get her?”

Archer shrugged.“No one really knows. The question has never come up before. The votes tend to be unanimous. I have someone researching the question. I also have a vote that overrides all others, even yours, but again I’m not sure it would hold if challenged. It’s a gray area. There aren’t many in the society, but this is one of them. People have been quite reasonable up to this point. Your grandfather was very good at getting people to see his point of view. I’ve never had to vote until Davis tried to put Fisher on the board. Sadly, I think it won’t be the last time I’ll have to do it. Davis is ambitious and he’s building a challenge to my authority. It’s not going to end well.”

Archer continued“I believe his ultimate goal is to have my position but I’m not sure what that gets him. He doesn’t want to run the society at least the way it is now. I think for all intents and purposes, he wants to be King and profit off what happens inside the society.”

“So, this is what? A power play?”Hawk asked.

“Not just a power grab,”Archer said.“He’s trying to establish himself as a major player on the world stage and he doesn’t care who or what he destroys to do it.”

“So this isn’t just about you losing your job?”Remy asked.

Ryker had to stifle a laugh. If she only knew. As a newish member, even a new board member, she had no clue what Archer did. She also didn’t know that Archer couldn’t just retire. When he was replaced, it would be because he was dead. His was a job for life. It was part of Ryker’s job to make sure Archer survived even if it cost him his own life. He hadn’t ever thought that was a likely scenario before, but he was beginning to think that maybe just maybe his days were numbered.


“But you’re the head of a secret society,”Invicta Carlyle said through gritted teeth.

Archer Gray stared at her.“Apparently not so secret. How do you know about the Society?”

Vic took a deep breath and tried not to crush the to-go coffee cup in her hand. She leaned across the cafe table.“Is that relevant?”

“Very.”Archer Gray’s emerald eyes glittered and the wave of anger cascading across the table made her shiver. She tried to hide the flinch by easing back. Deep within, she knew he was not a man to disobey or screw with. Even her uncle spoke of him with grudging respect and a slight tinge of fear.

“My uncle told me. According to him, as his heir, informing me is allowed by the rules of the Lock and Key Society.”

Archer’s mouth pressed into a straight, hard line.“Only if death is close at hand. Older people share with the next generation.”