We started out as mortal enemies, and now we’re in love.

It couldn’t be more perfect.


The air is colder here in the highlands. The Scottish landscape is moody and wild. A bit like my bride-to-be. We’re here because Cindy wants us to get married at the ancient home she owns and Clifford’s partner, Derek, lost his shit at the idea. He thinks its too romantic to turn down.

I’m not sure getting married on what is now Nico’s property is the best idea, but Renata seems to find the tiny church romantic.

“This is just so fucking medieval,” Derek says, clapping his hands. “I’m seeing huge candelabras and massive pillar candles in each corner. Lots of flickering lights, and in one corner a harpist. It will be so romantic.”

“I want to wear red,” Renata says. “Not white, and this setting will perfectly suit how I imagine the event.”

“A red dress would look amazing with your complexion,” Cindy says enthusiastically.

It’s so fucking weird being here, with Cindy, and Nico. He’s been friendly enough. We’re not exactly friends, but we aren’t trying to murder one another.

He and Renatta seem to have come to an understanding, a tentative and probably fragile truce. It might shatter at any moment, but isn’t that the way of siblings?

For now, they seem united in disgust at their parents, who after setting all of this in motion threatened to cut Renata out of their will if she went ahead with marrying me. It seems they were all for it when they controlled things, not so much when they realized their daughter actually loved me.

Harsh words from Nico eventually persuaded them to back down.

Not that it matters. Renata has two million pounds in an account in her name. If anything happens to me, she gets it. Even if we divorce acrimoniously, she gets it. That and her previous divorce settlement mean she will have more than enough money to be safe and secure for the rest of her life.

I haven’t told her about the account yet, but I will this evening. No more secrets.

“What kind of red dress?” Derek asks. “I’m trying to picture the décor we will need.”

“I’ve seen one. A deep red, crushed silk gown. It’s layered with a chiffon lace material on the skirt with rose patterns in it, but because of the crushed silk underneath, the pattern is sutble as it is all the same color. It’s a frothy but classy dark red dress that looks like a beautiful flower.”

I can’t remotely imagine it, but Derek obviously can because his eyes light up. “Ooh, so shades of rich gold. Yes?”

Renata nods. “That would work.”

“Oh my God, you should ride in on my horse,” Cindy says. “He’s black.”

“Fuck my life,” Nico mutters. “Want a brandy? Leave them to it?”

I nod.

“Me too,” Clifford says as he rolls his eyes at Derek talking about napkins.

“I don’t get it,” Nico says as we head out of the massive kitchen.

I have to admit the house is utterly stunning. “Me either,” I say. “I never thought Renata would get into the planning side of it to be honest.”

“They all do,” Nico says as if he understands all of womankind.

We reach the study which Nico now uses as his, and he waves us inside.

When we’re settled with drinks, he eyes me speculatively. “You sure you know what you’re doing? There’s still time to back out.”

I laugh. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

In the past few months of being engaged to Renata, I’ve been happier than at any other time in my life. She isn’t always the easiest person to get along with. Her quick temper and tendency to fly off the handle mean she’s a firecracker, but I like that. I don’t want an easy life; I like the sparks.

Nico’s phone rings, and he pulls it from his pocket. He frowns. “Konstantin.”