“Because I care,” I whisper as I lean in and smell her neck. “I give a shit. I set boundaries, and when you act out, I correct you. Firmly and fairly.”

“You call that firm and fair?”

“You won’t even have a red ass. That was nothing.”

“It was humiliating.”

“Yes, and you liked it,” I whisper as I bite the shell of her ear.

“I did not.”

“You did a little. Just like even though I want to murder that man with my bare hands for touching you, I liked seeing you on that stage.”

“What? Why?”

Her face is a picture of confusion. “Because you only did it to fuck with me, and you only fuck with someone you care about.”

“Jesus Christ,” Clifford grumbles. “What is this? The toxic version of How to have A Happy Marriage? Love for Sociopaths? The Rules, but for broken people?”

I ignore him and keep my focus on Renata. “You’re glorious, you know? You’re the most glorious being I’ve ever seen. The way you ordered Clifford to pour you champagne.” I lower my voice and whisper in her ear so only she can hear. “You almost made me come in my pants like a teenager.”

She turns to me, her anger fading. “I did?”



“Because you weren’t scared of him.”

“I’m too angry to be scared.”

“I want you,” I whisper in her ear.

“I hate you,” she whispers back.

“You want me,” I say.

“I don’t.”

“Liar,” I whisper.

“You disgust me.”

I kiss her throat and note the shiver it elicits. “In about five minutes when we get home, I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”

Chapter 19


We reach the house, and I'm shocked to see armed men flanking the entrance with those large guns you see police carrying at major events. They step farther to one side as we approach the door. It opens, and a man I haven't seen before waves us inside.

“Jeremy,” Matteo says with a nod.

“Boss,” the man answers.

“How are we looking?”

“There's been a full sweep of the house, and everything is in order. I already have someone on the job of checking our systems for hackers and any outside attempts to get in. Not just security systems, sir, but the communication systems too. There are extra men on their way, and the drones are up.”