He sighs. “Sounds about right.”
“But I kind of set them up to do it.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “It’s a long story. She’s here now, and we’re in love.”
He bursts out laughing. “Tell me another one. You should go on tour. Five-star comedy, my friend.”
“No, really.”
“Fuck you.”
I just put it out there. “I’m going to marry her. I will keep her safe. I’ll also stop her from being a pain in your ass. I just need your blessing and your help with the Greeks if I need it to keep her safe.”
There’s a long beat of silence.
“Don’t you normally ask the father of the bride for permission to marry her?” he asks finally.
“We all know where the power is in your family,” I reply.
“How can you stop her from being a pain in my ass; no one can stop Renata from doing anything.”
“I can,” I say simply.
“How?” he asks, curious.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“Okay, yeah; keep it to yourself. You’re right, you fucking freak.” I hear the soft tones of a woman, and Nico says something to her I can’t make out. Then he comes back on the line. “You really love her?”
“Yes, I really love her.”
“And you want to marry her?”
“Can you stop her stupid machinations about trying to get on the board? It’s really not safe for her to be involved. I’ve almost wavered a few times because between you and me, she’d be good at it, but there is a threat there.”
“I can stop her from trying to get on the board. She won’t even want to.”
“How do you know?”
I laugh. “Because I’ll set her up in a company of her own.”
“I tried that.”
“Not handbags. Big shit. Construction. Finance. Whatever the fuck she wants.”
“She’ll bankrupt you,” he sneers.
“No. She’s more capable than any of you ever realized.”
He scoffs, “Okay, whatever. Well, your misguided belief in my sister’s abilities is entirely your issue. So far as I’m concerned, if you keep her out of my hair and keep her safe, you can have her. I’ll let my parents know. I imagine Babbo will be uninterested, and Mamma will be delighted.” He pauses. “Now that you’re all legitimate and shit.”
The words are so sarcastic I can taste it.
“Now that we are in charge and the old guard are out to pasture, can we have a truce?” I ask. “There might be new threats, and it makes sense for us Italians to stick together.”