“Yeah, between Clifford and me.”
I roll my eyes. “You seriously did this”—I wave my hands at the work of art he’s made of his dick.—“for a dare?”
“Yeah, but also because after he dared me, I read about it, and it apparently makes sex amazing for the female partner. I was seeing someone at the time. Behind Francesca’s back.” His cheeks color a bit, and I file that piece of information away because Matteo does have a conscience. Of sorts.
“Right.” I nod slowly.
“It isn’t how it sounds. We both were open about not loving one another. The woman I was seeing liked the idea of the ladder, so I did it.”
“And did she like the results?” I hate that he was seeing someone else, but I swallow that jealousy down because this is just a game.
“She did.”
“But you won’t let me experience it?”
“All in good time.”
I run my fingers over him again, and he shivers. His skin is golden, and his eyes are dark. He’s so beautiful. I think I’d find Matteo hot even when we’re old and gray.
A bead of pre-cum forms at his head, and I dip my finger into it and then take the fingertip to my mouth and slowly, and deliberately, suck the pre-cum off.
Matteo growls. He actually growls like a damn wolf and grabs my hair as he pushes me against the vanity and kisses me as if he’s dying, and I’m his salvation.
I give him the same passion in return. My breasts rub against his chest, and my pussy rubs against his thigh. I press against him knowing that if I move just a little, angle myself just so…
Then an idea hits me. I lift up onto the vanity, taking care not to bang my head on the shelves above me. The green tendrils of a plant trail over one shoulder and breast, tickling my nipple.
Matteo watches me, his eyes hooded as I part my legs, and then with two fingers I spread my lips, showing him everything. I’m wet and pink when I look down, and he swallows hard.
“Please. Just for a moment,” I beg.
He comes nearer and shakes his head, but his cock finds its way to my pussy as if it’s a heat-seeking missile with the coordinates locked and loaded.
I take hold of him and rub his head over my clit, down to my wet and ready entrance, then back to my clit. I continue doing this, and soon I’m on the edge of an orgasm from this alone. So is he, if the amount of pre-cum he’s pumping out is anything to go by.
“Just for a minute,” I whisper as I push him into me.
“Fuck, Renata,” he groans as his thick tip stretches me deliciously.
I moan and could cry, he feels that good. A strange thought hits me. Maybe the universe always meant for it to be this way between us. Perhaps our split and years in the wilderness were fated somehow. It certainly gave us both time to gain experience and to grow into ourselves.
I don’t believe things would have been this good, this intense back when we were just teens. We were too young and naïve.
He pushes in a bit further and then pulls out almost all the way. He thrusts inside me, and I feel the first piercing and cry out.
“Oh, God. Matteo.”
“Feels good?”
“Yes. Yes. Don’t stop, please; just a little more.”
“You need a bit more of my cock, baby?”
“Yes, I need it, Matteo.”
“I’ll give it to you … if you beg.”
His voice has taken a hard turn, and I realize this is him gaining control and the upper hand. Terrifyingly, I don’t care. I’m too far gone to be able to stop this now, and the fact that he’s acting as if he could stop easily should give me pause. Instead, I do as he says. I beg.