Rafael told me not to wear shoes, and that only has me appearing even smaller compared to him, compared to her too.
My brown locks are straight and smooth, touching my ass, and my face is makeup free, as usual. I straighten my shoulders and pull open the door.
Rosalita’s cooking invades my nostrils, encouraging my stomach to roll when normally my mouth would water. Clearly, my nerves are getting the better of me.
Walking down the stairs, angry voices infiltrate my ears, and each step feels heavier than the last.
“I can’t believe you’re shacked up with the nanny,” she snipes.
“Not your business,” Rafael counters.
“Ugh. You show me no respect at all.” I imagine her pouting with her perfect lips.
“The same respect you show me with the multiple men you have coming and going in the house I pay for.”
Rafael scoffs. “In your fucking dreams.”
I round the corner, and he turns to face me as if some magnetic force felt me. He licks his lips, his eyes darken, then narrow, and his jaw tics. He strides toward me, and I take a step back from his angered face. His hand snaps out, and he lifts my hair over my shoulder, exposing his bite marks.
“Better.” He kisses the top of my head.
Nikita forces a gagging noise. “Oh, please.” Rafael ignores her as if we’re the only two people in the room.
“Come.” He takes my hand in his, then brings it to his lips, kissing my fingers with an affection that causes my heart to melt and my love to soar. I don’t know whether to love him for doing it or hate him for showing rare affection in public. Something tells me he’s staking his claim.
I just wish he wasn’t doing it in front of his wife.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Oliver sits stoically still, staring down at the table, and I hate it. His whole demeanor screams that he lacks the confidence I’ve been working tirelessly to build.
The room is silent as we begin our meal. Rafael and my body are coiled tight while the viper seems relaxed and shoots venom from her eyes in my direction.
Rafael takes his seat at the head of the table, with me on one side of him, Oliver on the other, and Nikita beside my handsome little man.
Nikita flicks her long golden locks over her shoulder, and her beady eyes bore into me with such hatred, if I didn’t have Rafael by my side, I’m sure I’d be cowering like the little girl he calls me.
Doing my best to ignore her attention, I take a sip of my water to quench my dry mouth, the scrutiny almost too much to bear. “Are you even legal?” She clicks her long talons on the table, her gaze never leaving mine.
“Nikita,” Rafael bites out, “enough!”
She rolls her eyes so dramatically it’s a wonder she doesn’t lose them at the back of her head.
I ignore her jibe and cut into the steak the chef provided. “Do you work or sponge off my husband?” I clench my teeth and ignore her, pissed at Rafael for putting me in this position.
Rafael slams his fist on the table. “Enough, Nikita. I won’t fucking stand for it.” Oliver startles under Rafael’s abrupt tone, and I feel guilty for being the one who inadvertently caused his anger, yet elated Rafael is protecting me against her vicious tongue.
She downs the glass of wine on the table as if it’s water, then brings her attention back to me, forcing me to want to shrink back in my seat.
“She’s not your usual type,” she clucks, scanning me up and down while speaking about me as if I don’t exist.
“I don’t have a usual type,” Rafael counters.
She grinds her jaw and sneers back at him. “Never could keep it in your pants long enough to give someone a chance, that’s why.”