Page 48 of Possession

“Shit. Please tell me you’re not.” Kai blanches.

“Oh, I am.” Rocco’s eyebrows dance with delight.

Yep, my little brother is fucked in the head and eager to peel the flesh from this piece of shit’s face.

“Was anyone else involved?” Boredom laces my tone.

Stein coughs, sending a flurry of spittle, blood, and snot in our direction, but Rocco doesn’t so much as flinch while I grimace at the cowardly display.

“I-I paid—” He swallows hard, then coughs again. “A couple of guys to look the other way.”


He doesn’t speak, angering me further. Instead, he sucks in air while sobbing uncontrollably.

“Names,” I grit out, anger thrumming through my blood. He’s wasting my time away from my girl.

“Chris and Andy,” he eventually spits out, with bloody dribble cascading down his chin.

Rocco catches my eye, and I nod at him to take care of them too.

“Who are they?” Rocco waves his hand toward the guys on the floor.

“Russians. The-they approached me.”

My back molars grind together. Fucking Russians.

“What about the police? How’d they know about the shipment?” Kai asks.

I drag my finger over my lips as I wait for a response.


“You know, I’m about to peel the flesh from your face unless you tell us what we want to know.” Rocco stares down at him callously, his fingers twitching to follow up his threat with the action.

“I-I swear. I never ratted.” Blood oozes from his face profusely. “Oh God, I swear I never spoke to no police.”

Kai’s gaze meets mine, and we have a silent conversation. He knows nothing, therefore someone else is feeding them intel, but who?

“Pl-please. I swear I just wanted cash.” His trembling voice is desperate, and I give Rocco a firm tilt of my head, letting him dispose of the piece of shit as he deems necessary.

Rocco always liked to play with his toys, while I never had time for any.

Until her.

“Finish up here Rocco, then get a clean-up team in. The last thing we want is the FBI showing up.”

He gives me a playful salute, and I roll my eyes.

Then I spin on my heel, determined to get back to my girl as quickly as possible.

“Check the trucks,” I snipe out to Kai as I throw open the door of the warehouse and march out of the alleyway toward my SUV.


I glance over my shoulder as he stares into the back of one of the trucks.

“We got a problem.”