“Used to it?” I stare at her, eyes wide from the way she shrugs off the fact she’s living here alone.
She turns on her heel and stomps toward the closet, and the tension in my body eases ever so slightly when she takes clothes off the hanging rail and tucks them into a small bag without needing me to reiterate my plans.
“He goes off, living his life with whatever woman he paid for, and sometimes he comes back for a few days.”
I text Kai again.
Me: Find him.
“How long?”
She pokes her head around the closet door. “Huh?”
“How long has he been doing this for?”
She shrugs her shoulder. “Since I was thirteen. Each time he stays away for longer, one day, he won’t come back. I know that.”
I grind my jaw from side to side. I’m going to fucking kill him—slowly.
She continues packing while I take in her room. It’s pretty, pink, and everything I imagine a teenage girl’s room should look like. I touch the photos beside her desk and glance down at the blood splatter with pride. After opening her bathroom door, I step inside and smile at how tidy my little doll is. I lift her various lotions, sniffing them and taking in her scent while making a mental note of the brand of cocoa butter she uses. I’ll ensure she has everything she needs and more. Then I open her toiletry bag and freeze. Pulling the pills out, I drop the bag into the sink, ignoring the scattering of the contents, and anger bubbles inside me. My heart hammers, and I close my eyes while I silently seethe, trying desperately to rein in my temper.
She’s on the fucking pill.
Does she plan on leaving me, leaving us?
To go to college and start a life without us.
I ball my hands into fists.
When I have her little cunt, it will be for keeps; she’s my little doll.
Snapping my eyes open, I glance toward the door before pulling my phone from my pockets and firing Kai another message.
Me: I’m going to send you a photo of some pills. I want them replaced with something that can knock her up quickly. The same packaging. She suspects NOTHING.
Kai: Understood.
Shoving the pills back in the bag, I make quick work of stuffing her makeup in with the contents, placing it back on the counter. I smile to myself as my heart rate becomes regular once again, relieved to be back in control.
Then I open the door and step back into her room, and she walks around me and into the bathroom, where she begins to gather up her toiletries along with the birth control pills, the ones that will be replaced by the end of today. I check out her dresser to see what she owns and what she will need. My eyes go wide when I pull open the drawer to find it full of wads of cash. She steps up behind me and slams it shut.
“That’s mine.”
I turn to face her. “For what?”
She crosses her arms over her chest and stares at me with defiance. “My future.”
I scoff and throw my head back on a laugh.
“Don’t be a dick, Rafael. I don’t want anyone touching my shit either.” She glares at me, then swallows. “Please. This is my space. Mine. I don’t have a lot, but I have this.” She waves her hand around the room.
Her eyes become glassy, and I swallow past the lump in my throat. “You have me and you have Oliver.”
Her solemn face lights up, and a smile tugs at her lips.
“Come on, Little Doll. Let’s get you home.”