“What did you do?!” He sat there astonished and in disbelief, and it was the most wonderful moment of her life, so far.

“What I should have done long ago.” Her heart had always belonged to him. Now, he would have it imbued into his very being forever.

“But what does that even mean?”

“It means,” she said with a smile on her face. “That no one will dare harm or question you. You hold the power of the court within you.”

He shook his head. “It can’t be that simple,” he countered. This whole situation hadn’t been simple, though. Not for her. She faced every hurdle with doubt but overcame it because he waited on the other side. She would do it all over again for him.

When she didn’t respond, he asked, “So you chose me?”

“Yes,” she chuckled, grabbing his face and kissing him deeply. His tired arms took her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, but he hissed in pain. His right hand had not completely healed, it seemed. But it didn’t matter, never to her.

“I’ll choose you every time.” She kissed his right cheek. “I promise that.” Now, his left. “You’ll be by my side forever.” Then, his lips, which had come back to life again.

“Forever,” he said slowly. The reality of it all dawning on him. She knew she would need to provide an explanation, that he would need to adjust to this new reality before him. But then he gave her a smile, as if excited for that future together.

He trailed his fingers over his exposed chest. “What does it mean though? Now that I hold this in my chest.”

“I don’t know.” she said honestly. They would need to speak with Sveta to get answers. Perhaps the Weather Gods would be merciful and not punish her too harshly. “I assume you’ll be put into danger each year. In the Undertaking.” Her new goal would be to find him and make sure she reached him in time. “I hope that’s okay.”

He smiled back at her, freely and openly. “I’m not scared at all. I trust you.”

“I would hope so,” she said. “You’re now stuck with me.”

He leaned his forehead against hers, and she took him in. His scent, his skin, and his breaths that filled her with calmness. She never wanted to exist in a world without him.

His hand slid against the wet ground and they were reminded that this was not over quite yet.

“We should go,” she said. She got up carefully and helped him to his feet. They stood there just staring at each other for too long, acting like they had more time than they did. He stepped forward and hugged her, and she melted into him. She would be able to do that everyday now. That truth had her own heart skipping.

He took her hand, and they sprinted off to escape the maze together.


Zimyn sat next to his wife. She wore his mother’s ring with pride. The carriage bounced against the uneven road, while Ludelle busily read through some papers on trade deals. He loved watching her lead and attend to her courtly duties, even if it meant spending less time with him. She was a Queen without an advisor now. He couldn’t complain, though. Balvan deserved his death. She had made the right choice.

When they stepped out of the Undertaking, many of the court’s people waited on the other side, wanting a glimpse of the new couple. There was a uniform gasp that sounded when they saw Ludelle and Zimyn together. Ludelle had a lot of convincing to do, especially with the other nobles. But she did it, with her head held high and not a sliver of hesitance. She had won the Undertaking. She had retrieved the Heart and power was restored for one more year. That’s all that mattered. Who laid in her bed was only for her.

She already offered a solution to the issue of having no advisor. Each region of the court would choose a representative that would have a seat on a council. Ludelle hosted them as guests at the castle, and they all spoke to her about any issues they may be experiencing. It kept her busy, but when she came back to their room, Kotyn and Zimyn spoiled her.

They kept the fact that the Heart was inside of him from everyone except Sveta, who seemed to know immediately what had transpired. She had agreed with Ludelle’s assessment. Zimyn would now need to risk himself as Ludelle scoured her Undertaking each year to save him. He couldn’t be more honored to play such a monumental role.

His father had also learned the truth. He cried, nervous for his only son to be put into danger, but Ludelle reassured him. She would gladly claw her way to her love each year.

Best of all, Zimyn got to attend any official court business across courts with Ludelle as his wife. His scales were gone, and he was happier without the weight of them, even refusing when Ludelle offered to replace them. Flix had been managing as Captain perfectly.

“You’re distracted,” Ludelle quipped.

Zimyn leaned over, lightly biting her neck. “You’re distracting. Especially when you are busy thinking.”

“I’m always thinking.”

He chuckled against her skin and he could feel the gooseflesh that he caused. Only he could make the Snow Queen shiver with his heat. “That’s why you’ll be the death of me.”

He meant it in jest, but there was a bigger truth there that even Ludelle didn’t know. After they spoke with Sveta, she took him aside and informed him that because the Heart was inside him, it would need to be removed once their heir took the throne and began their own Undertakings. He would need to die so that his future child could rule. It was a sacrifice that Zimyn had no qualms with because they had a long while until then, so he would savor each breath he had.

One day, once Ludelle had settled into this new way of ruling, he would tell her. He wasn’t scared for when that time came. He didn’t want her to have any regrets either. She saved him, she chose him, and that was the greatest gift of all.