Somehow, she wiggles out of my hold and takes off. With a groan, I follow after her, dragging my feet, tired of running around in a circle. When we finally do discover the center, she rushes over to a bench that sits right in front of a massive lit fountain, the water gurgling as it cascades down.

“Join me.” She pats the empty spot next to her on the bench and I settle right in, stretching my arm across the back of the bench, my fingers brushing her shoulder. “See? Isn’t it beautiful? It’s worth finding the center.”

“How do we get out of here?”

“I’m not sure.” She shrugs, seeming at complete ease. “We’ll figure it out.”

I slowly shake my head as I lift my hand, my fingers tangling in her silky hair. “I like that you wore your hair down.”

“I rarely do it.”

“I like it. It’s pretty.”

Her smile is serene. “I like that you’re not afraid to give compliments.”

“Don’t encourage me. I’ll start complimenting you so much, you’ll beg me to stop,” I warn her.

She laughs. “I like how funny you are too.”

“You think I’m funny?”

Willow nods, leaning closer to me. “Very.”

“Are you drunk?”

“What? No!” She starts to rear back, but I drop my arm to her shoulders, keeping her in place. “I’m just … happy.”

“Why are you happy?” I want to hear her say that I’m the reason for her happiness.

“I’m glad you’re here.” Her hand lands on my thigh, her touch light. As if she’s testing me out. “Can I admit something to you?”


“I don’t like playing games.” Willow blinks at me, the moon touching her skin, casting her in a silvery glow. She’s beautiful. Sweet and open and fuck, she’s going to be all mine by the time this weekend is over. I guarantee it.

“The only game I like to play is football,” I say truthfully.

Her smile is faint. “I’m talking about with—relationships. Not that I’m expecting one from you. Not this soon, but just know that I’m tired of pretending that I feel indifferent when it comes to you.

“You don’t feel indifferent about me?” I’m smiling.

She slowly shakes her head, her hair spilling all over her shoulders. I’m tempted to bury my face in it, but I restrain myself. “I like you, Rhett.”

Those four words hang between us in the moonlit night, softly spoken and touching the depths of my heart. Sounds corny as shit and I don’t normally think like this, but what’s happening between Will and me isn’t normal.

It feels … life-changing. Earth shaking.

“I like you too, Will.” I touch her face, letting my fingers drift across her cheek until I’m touching the corner of her mouth. She parts her lips and I slip my index finger between them, tracing their plump softness, and when I feel her tongue lick my fingertip, I groan.

Cupping her face, I tilt her head back and stare into her eyes. “When I kiss you, this changes everything.”

Willow nods, not deterred by my statement at all. “Okay.”

“If that Silas creep comes around you again, I’m breaking his legs,” I say vehemently.

“I don’t want him to come around me,” she murmurs. “But I don’t want you getting in trouble either.”

My smile is slow. Some would probably call it lethal. “He won’t be a problem anymore, baby. I promise.”