I don’t even last five minutes. I eventually leave my room—I somehow scored my own while Cal has to share with Rowan—and creep down the hallway, feeling like a spy. A thief. It’s dark, and the cavernous house is mostly quiet. There are actual wings in this place and we’re in our own, no adult supervision to be found.

That’s real fuckin’ dangerous if you ask me. These parents must trust their children implicitly.

I stop at the top of the staircase and check out the massive portrait hanging on the wall. There’s a small brass plaque at the base of the frame that says Augustus Lancaster on it, and I think it’s funny, how his name is on there like we’re in a museum versus their family home.

This is the dude who started it all. The original Lancaster who came to the states and made his fortune. He looks like a giant asshole.

I bet he was one too.

Turning away from the painting, I head down the carpetcovered marble stairs, keeping my steps light though they still echo as I walk. Once I’m on the ground floor I walk around the stairs, finding a nook tucked beneath them with a chair and everything, and I settle in, checking my phone.

I have a text from Brooks.

Brooks: Where the hell are you? I wanted to party tonight and you’re gone.

Me: I’m at the Lancaster estate with your girlfriend.

He told me in strictest confidence last night that he and Iris finally did it. I can tell he’s totally into her, though he’s trying to play it off, which I get. Iris is hard to figure out and she runs so hot and cold. It’s driving him nuts.

Brooks: That is some bullshit. Why am I not there?

Me: Come on out. I’m sure Rowan can arrange it.

Brooks: I can’t just show up there uninvited. Iris will kill me.

She probably would.

Me: Blame it on Row. I’ll talk to him for you if you’d like.

Brooks: I couldn’t.

I wait him out, not responding. He’s going to change his own mind in three, two, one …

Brooks: Talk to Row for me.

Knew it.

Me: I will.

Brooks: Should I text him? Or will I look too eager? You think he knows I’m fucking his cousin? God, if her big brother ever found out, I would be dead. He’d bury my body so well no one would ever find me again.

He is completely overreacting. I’m sure Iris’s brother could give two shits over who she’s fucking.

Me: Like I said, I’ll take care of it. Be prepared to leave early tomorrow morning.

Brooks: Will do. Keep me posted?

Me: You know it.

I open another text thread and send a message to Rowan.

Me: Do you care if Brooks comes out here tomorrow?

He responds quickly.

Row: Not at all. Love that guy. I’ve known him forever.

Me: Okay cool. He can stay in my room if it’s a problem.